<p>So I've been accepted to these colleges, but I'm trying to decide which ones are worth it so far.</p>
<p>Loyola University Maryland
Washington college
Catholic university of America
Penn State Harrisburg</p>
<p>I am still waiting for my main colleges which are bellow. By my academics and everything these colleges have accepted people like me but just as many have been passed on.</p>
<p>George Washington university
University of Delaware
Virginia Tech</p>
<p>Any advice is really appreciated on what colleges I should be focused on so far. At the moment I'm really stressing! It's Senior year, I'm trying to make up for so much. Taking Ap test (bio, calc bc, stats, econ micro/mirco ) and I'm loosing moral to really get finished right with high school. In a way i feel like a failed academically compared to what I'm really capable of. gpa is around a 2.83 and my qpa is a 3.87. I got a 3 last year in Ap calc ab test. My last hopes of really succeed and leaving happily is getting 4 and 5's on my ap test this year and getting accepted to those higher colleges...</p>
<p>Again thanks to anyone who replies and I really appreciate it.</p>
<p>Bump, any advice would be really nice :(</p>
<p>I don’t understand the question. What advice do you need?</p>
<p>Wait, so you are already accepted into a few schools and waiting to hear back from the others? What exactly do you need advice on?</p>
<p>From the schools I’ve been accepted to so far I cant decide on which one is the best for me. I’m trying to major in engineering. May transfer out in 2 year, not sure yet. But out of those colleges which one would you say is the best? Their asking for stuff and i would like to tell at least one of them i wont be attending to get that out of the way.</p>
<p>Sorry for this bump but i really need to get what other people think about the colleges i’ve been admitted to so far. It would really help me out</p>
<p>What would be the chances of a transfer from PSU-Harrisburg to the main campus?</p>
<p>It should be good. I possibly can get some AP credit this year (passing calc bc especially). I know i can keep 3.0 at least while at Harrisburg. The 4.0 is a high possibility as well. The only thing there’s not a whole lot of reviews on the college. I don’t know how good the engineering programs are there. On the other hand catholic university is ranked like 124 nationally and loyola university Maryland is ranked 3rd in the north to get your master, but i don’t know how good undergraduate is. Thats my problem now. If my main choices don’t work ,those 3 are my main choices. </p>
<p>~thanks to everyone who has replied so far</p>
<p>Can you afford any and all of these schools? Do you need to see the FA packages?</p>
<p>what were your SAT and ACT scores?</p>
<p>Yes i do need to see the financial aid packages. Loyola offered to pay me everything. Even live at the college if i feel like it. My mom does not work and my dad does not make a lot so where ever I go if accepted I would expect that I would get helped out. </p>
<p>My sat scores where not good becuase of circumstances. Math :600 Reading:500 Writing:520 I got a 3 on the ap calc ab test. I’m relying on those other 3 colleges I’m waiting for to understand that I hold much promise to working hard as I am now. But if things turn our bad I would have to pick from those 4 I have been accepted to</p>
<p>Since you need a lot of aid, then you really need to wait to see your FA packages, so you can immediately eliminate the schools with inadequate packages. Some schools likely will not have good packages. There’s no point in picking favs only to find out their packages may not work for you.</p>
<p>What is your home state? If you don’t live in Del, that package will likely be bad.</p>
<p>Do you mind listing what was in your Loyola package?</p>
<p>" Loyola offered to pay me everything. Even live at the college if i feel like it. My mom does not work and my dad does not make a lot so where ever I go if accepted I would expect that I would get helped out. "</p>
<p>Unless you get an equal or better offer from another school, go to Loyola.</p>
<p>Of the schools you list:
<p>Unless you get a free ride at GW or VT, go to Loyola by all means!</p>
<p>I agree that Loyola looks great, but I’d like to see the FA package. Sometimes they can be deceiving. I may be wrong, but I don’t think Loyola is known to meet need - especially for a student with modest stats - so I’m wondering if there aren’t some loans in the package. Hopefully, my concerns will be for naught. :)</p>
<p>collegeguz…can you please post your FA package from Loyola?</p>
<p>Actually i would have to pay loans i think. It cost around $48,110 living on campus and $39,515 commuting. I would really rather live at the college and not at home though. I know its a big difference. This is what my package came out to. I’m putting the total’s here. And yes i live in Maryland.</p>
<p>Total Aid awarded: 37,050 </p>
<p>Other resources:
MD educational assistance grant: 3,000
Federal Direct Plus load eligibility: 5,310</p>
<p>Does that seem good? I it could still change since i sent my tax form to college board.</p>
<p>Is that how it’s written? </p>
<p>If not, please write exactly what it says.
For instance:</p>
<p>subsidized loans…</p>
<p>unsub loans…</p>
<p>Perkins loans…</p>
<p>Plus loans…</p>
<p>Work Study…</p>
<p>total aid…$37,050</p>
<p>I’m writing these as totals for the whole . Here they are</p>
<p>Joseph A. Sellinger S.J. Scholars $6,250</p>
<p>Federal pell Grant $5,000</p>
<p>Federal ACG Grant (1year) $750</p>
<p>Federal Supplemental Grant $1,250</p>
<p>Federal Direct loan-subsidized $3,500</p>
<p>Federal Direct loan-Unsubsidized $2,000</p>
<p>Claver Grant $18,300</p>
<p>Total $37,050</p>
<p>And then there the “other resources” that was on that form that I had put in the past post.</p>
<p>COA: $48,110 (living on campus).</p>
<p>Joseph A. Sellinger S.J. Scholars $6,250
Federal pell Grant $5,000
Federal ACG Grant (1year) $750
Federal Supplemental Grant $1,250
Claver Grant $18,300</p>
<p>Federal Direct loan-subsidized $3,500
Federal Direct loan-Unsubsidized $2,000</p>
<p>Total Aid awarded: 37,050</p>
<p>Other resources:
MD educational assistance grant: 3,000
Federal Direct Plus load eligibility: 5,310</p>
<p>So…it’s saying that they’re including a Parent Plus loan for $5310. Considering that this will likely be there every year (and could increase), would your parents borrow this amount every year?</p>
<p>You also have about a $3k gap in coverage.</p>
<p>Anyway…overall, it’s a generous package. :)</p>
<p>Well how things are going my parents couldn’t borrow those $5310. I would rather all the borrowing go on me. So coming out of college I’m alright owing around $20,000. With me money is the main problem. I have no problems with academics. </p>
<p>But is Harrisburg penn state campus any good? I was going to fill out the scholarship stuff for them online but i still don’t know if their good. I can qualify for a lot of the scholarships the have. </p>
<p>-Again thanks for everyone who replied
really helped out clearing stuff out for me</p>