Which dorm do I want to be in

Hello! I was looking for a current Colorado College student who could tell me a little bit about the different social scenes in the Colorado College freshmen dorms.

Slocum - Year after year, the most quiet of the three. Pretty recent renovations.
Mathias - Houses many of the special interest communities, so there is a built in social component. Also closest to the brand new (next Block 1) East Campus residences. Mathias has a small market in the lobby with all kinds of foods, snacks, fruit and beverages.
Loomis - More central, thus more active. Closer to upper-class dorms and the apartments. Loomis has a long time reputation as the dorm with the ‘juice’. They even have an ‘alumni’ program and invite old ‘loomies’ (still current students) to an annual homecoming party.