Which dorms are best for freshmen?

<p>I will be attending UF this summer as a freshman. I'm driving down to Gainesville this weekend specifically to look at dorms. I submitted my housing application the day it was released, back in August, so I'm fairly certain I will get my top preference. I have until April 30th to change my top 3 preferences. For summer, I put Hume, Murphree, and Rawlings as my top 3 because the options were limited. However, I don't really want to stay in Hume during the fall because I hear it's less social in the fall. I'm stuck on my fall preferences. I know I want to live near the center of campus, within easy walking distance of classrooms, athletic events, food, Reitz Union, etc. I also want to be in a fairly social dorm with a lot of other freshmen so meeting people is easy and unavoidable. I want either a traditional double room or a suite style room. Does anyone have any suggestions of what dorms I should look at this weekend?</p>


<p>If you want the traditional style community freshman college experience, go for Broward, Mallory, Jennings, etc. I put Mallory as my 1st, and Yulee and Reid as 2nd/3rd. Theyre all community style dorms, but Yulee is for social science majros and Reid is for fine arts majors (I’m double majoring in English/Psych) - not sure if youd want something like that? I’m sure there’d be lots of freshman, but Yullee/Reid aren’t FOR freshman. Mallory is just for regular freshman/sophomores.</p>

<p>Go with community style your freshman year. It will be more social, and you probably won’t even get a suite as a freshman.</p>

<p>EDIT: Forgot to mention this, but if you want social don’t live in Hume. I’ve heard it is not very social - people play D&D in their rooms on Saturday nights. No offense to anyone who lives there, but based on what I heard it’s not where you live if you want a social experience. (And it’s expensive, if I"m not mistaken)</p>
