Which Reach Should I Apply To?

<p>Hi everyone, I am wondering which school you guys think I would have a better chance getting into as a reach. Wake Forest, or UVA.
I know that the two schools are polar opposites regarding tests, with UVA requiring SAT II tests and Wake Forest being test optional.
My Gpa weighted is a 3.9 (unweighted 3.65), but I have greatly improved as a student from freshman to junior year.
My complete schedule is:
Middle school: Algebra 1, French I and French II
Freshman: English honors, Introduction to business and marketing, P.E.,French III, Pre A.P. world history (basically honors), Geometry, Earth science honors. (freshman and middle school GPA: 3.63)
Sophomore:P.E., English honors, French IV, Chemistry, Algebra II, A.P. World history, Honors Biology (4.03 GPA)
Junior: Academic U.S. History, Honors English, A.P. Chemistry, A.P. Biology, Pre-calculus, A.P. Economics, French V (4.24 GPA)
Senior Year schedule (Will start this fall): A.P. Human Geography, A.P. Government, Philosophy/International relations, academic English, Physics, A.P. Calculus, A.P. French.
My test scores are currently my weakest area. I plan to retake them in October.
ACT: English - 23, Math- 28, Science- 28, Reading- 33,Essay- 9, Composite- 28
SAT: Math- 650, Reading - 600, Writing 510, Essay - 9 composite- 1770
I am in the top quarter of my class
Additional activities
National French Honors Society (Junior and senior)
French Club (Freshman - Senior)
Deca (Freshman)
Flag football referee ( 8th grade - Senior)
Basketball referee ( Sophomore - Senior)
Intern/Shadow at the hospital (Summer of senior year)
Intramural Basketball (Sophomore-Senior)
Athlete to Athlete (Junior-Senior)
I have been studying a good amount his summer for the ACT, as i prefer it over the SAT. I hope to get my score up to a 32.
I know both schools are fairly large reaches, but which do you think I should apply to?</p>

<p>I think you’d be much better off applying to a test-optional college. Are you a VA resident? If so, then UVA might be possible; otherwise, I’d say it’s out-of-reach with your current scores.</p>

<p>Yes, I am a VA resident </p>

<p>Apply to both colleges but also look into colleges that would take your kinda low scores. Check out UCF and FSU, they’re both great schools.
Chance me back?</p>