<p>I'm an Asian female and preferably, I'd like to be around at least a few Asians! But race doesn't matter much to me. I want to be close to everyone which is why Santa Catalina is one of my bottom choices since it's further from the other halls. I'm a biology major and it'd be awesome to have a great view outside my dorm of the beach or something! I'm planning to walk everywhere since I can't ride a bike. I don't need an amazing bathroom situation, and I'm find with sharing a bathroom with a reasonable amount of people. I don't want to be completely in the party scene but it'd be interesting to be around it. I also want to be in an area that has quiet times too so I can study and stuff. Right now Anacapa and San Nicolas are my top two choices and Manzanita Village, Santa Catalina, and Santa Rosa are in the bottom. Please give me some advice :D Thanks!</p>
<p>Are the dorms in most of the halls generally around the same size? And do people generally get about the same experience in all the different dorms?</p>