Which school would you go for pre-med? (Trinity University or Lawrence University)?

<p>I am confused which one is better, they both have similar statistics, I want to see which one would be better to maybe apply Early Action at one of them.
What is your opinion? Thanks!</p>

<p>Lawrence easily.</p>

<p>I think the community is a lot better and the academics are great.</p>

<p>so you recommend more the city where Lawrence is than san antonio??</p>

<p>Yes. Are you choosing the city or where you will go to school or the campus? That said, Appleton is one of my favorite little cities in the U.S.A. If you can, visit. I haven’t been in San Antonio in over 20 years but I would never choose it as a place to live if I had the choice. But that is just me. We have two students who are studying there right now and like it. They are at different schools. I have a son in his last year at Lawrence that is why I know about the school, the community and what it offers.</p>

<p>ok thankyou very much for the advice… what else can you tell me about lawrence?</p>

<p>jvm21, I don’t know anything about the pre-med program at LU except for what can be read online. I do know that you will have very close association with your professors, that they are outstanding and the ones I have spoken with love to teach and enjoy what they are doing. You can get an outstanding education at Lawrence. It is crafted like an east coast liberal arts college, set up by Bostonians and is located in Wisconsin, which is a terrific place to live, set on a river and in a college “little city” with good air connections.I don’t know if you are from the Midwest or not, but those of us who grew up on the coasts have much to learn about the center of the country. :)</p>

<p>Oh yes, I think it was the second college in the U.S. to be a co-ed institution. Pretty good for the backwoods, eh?</p>