Which teachers should I ask to write recs?

<p>The college counseling office at my school has students ask teachers for college recs between April and mid-May of their junior year, meaning that I have to decide who to ask soon. The problem is that I don't think I really know any of my teachers well enough for them to be able to write a good recommendation. Which two of them sound like the best bet? </p>

<li><p>APUSH - I hardly ever talk to him individually, and my class participation isn't too great either. Our classes our usually lectures with him asking the entire class questions, and I've sort of begun to speak up more but usually I am madly taking notes. Also, my grades have been kind of inconsistent, and he's mentioned this in my comments. He's said that my DBQs have been very strong and have improved during the year, but my test grades fluctuate -- 1st quarter I made B+/A-s, 2nd quarter A-s and one A, 3rd quarter a 77, 80, and 81 (!), and thus far in 4th quarter an 89 (but this was one of our harder tests). Overall, my quarter grades so far have been B+, B+, and B. My exam was an 84. </p></li>
<li><p>Honors English - Again, I don't participate very often, but I am trying to more often. I'm also very intimidated by this teacher and shy around her (she's brilliant and I'm too afraid I'll make a fool of myself), so we've hardly spoken. My grades have been B-, B, and B in the first 3 quarters of the year. In my 1st semester comment she wrote that I am quiet but my face reveals my attention and my interest even when my voice is still (...?). In my 2nd semester comment she wrote that I have begun to participate more and that she is please that I have taken that step. But I honestly am a horrible writer. I have scored in the C to B- range on every in class practice AP essay, and my overnight papers have been just as bad. We also recently had a major paper due on which I slipped up majorly by doing a mediocre job and forgetting to finish my works cited (it's not graded yet, but I don't expect to do well). </p></li>
<li><p>AP French 4 - This teacher loves me, and, though I don't talk to her very often, I talk to her more than my English/APUSH teachers. She says that my writing and speaking skills have improved. My quarter grades have been all A-s. My exam, which she said in my comments that I should be proud of, was an 88. There's two problems, however. (1) She gives us tons of handouts and assigns a lot of homework, and I'm completely disorganized and sometimes forget assignments or lose papers, though she's never mentioned this in my comments. (2) She's not a wonderful writer, and she's also one of those people who is hilarious in a very strange way. She'll always tell bizarre stories and say the most random and frequently nonsensical things, so I'm worried that her rec would be bad. </p></li>
<li><p>AP Chem - I want to study science in college, so I'm thinking that I should perhaps ask her for one of my recs. But, of course, I'm pretty quite in her class too. I also need to take the initiative to go ask questions on concepts I struggle with, but have yet to do so. Although my grades have been B+, A-, and A-, my exam was a B and I honestly don't understand a lot of the material. My first semester comment was very positive; she said that I worked hard and asked thoughtful questions. In my second semester comment she wrote that I didn't do quite as well on individual assignments, on which I "articulated only a partial understanding," than on my group assignments. </p></li>
<li><p>Pre-Cal - I participate in class and do well in the class, but I don't really know if she would have enough to say in my rec. My comments are positive but kind of generic. In my first semester comment she wrote that she appreciates my hard work and positive attitude in class, that I complete all of my homework showing my "desire to do well and be successful," and that I seem to understand the concepts. My second semester comment was basically the same - I come to class with my homework complete and a positive mind-set, and she would like for me to participate more in class because she thinks the other students would benefit from my insight (haha...). And I've been participating more since she wrote that comment. My quarter grades have been A, A+, and A, and my exam was an A. </p></li>

<p>Oh, wow. That is a LONG question...my apologies. Any help would be appreciated.</p>

<p>3 & 4.</p>


<p>Best is to have a recommendation from a teacher who is familiar with your writing/analysis skills, and one from a teacher who is familiar with your quantitative/problem solving skills.</p>

<p>Unless French is a subject that you’ll continue to pursue in high schools (e.g. Honors French Literature) or college, I don’t think a recommendation here would carry as much weight as from the first two categories.</p>

<p>Since you’re likely to get mediocre recommendations from your English and History teachers I recommend that you ask your Chemistry and Math teachers. I would be inclined to trust them to know what to say, especially since you’re an A students in these classes. You may also want to make a concerted effort to be less quiet in these classes. That way they’ll remember you better, and they will note your progress when they write the recommendations later this year.</p>