Which test would studying be more beneficial for the ACT or SAT?

<p>I have taken the ACT about three times now and each time I have scored about a 20-21.</p>

<p>The biggest problem for me is the time, because I'm a slow person. When I read I prefer to go through things and read the questions 2-3 times but with this test I am rushed and can never get to the last 10 or so questions on each section even when I am rushing.</p>

<p>I am in Calculus AB as a junior and I am struggling to get above a 25 on ACT Math. Although I am very strong in more basic math questions that I have done rather then lengthy word problems.</p>

<p>I am also in IB/AP English and Science classes and I am having a very difficult time on English/Reading/Science.</p>

<p>Currently I am in a bad spot for applying to colleges because my goal was to get AT LEAST a 27 on my ACT but even with a lot of studying I would need a miracle.</p>

<p>I took the PSAT earliar in the year and scored about a 150 without prep and I don't think I focused or tried very much.</p>

<p>If I can devote a lot of time to studying would I be better off taking the SAT? or should I stick with the ACT?</p>

<p>I’m personally biased in favor of the ACT but if you always feel like you’re rushed maybe the SAT is the way to go. It seems like the ACT reading and science sections are a time issue for many. </p>

<p>Idk how you feel about vocab on the sast, but that was a huge deterrent for me. </p>

<p>Your act and psat scores are really close. But since you’ve taken the act three times, where as I’m assuming you’ve taken the psat once, it seems like you have more room to grow on the sat.</p>

<p>Try taking a practice SAT without any prep and see where that gets you. It might turn out that since the SAT is more of a reasoning test than a knowledge test, you are more apt for the SAT. Also, if you’re good at memorizing vocabulary, the SAT might be the way to go.</p>

<p>I have a feeling you’ll probably feel rushed regardless of which test you take, but you should definitely explore your options. I agree with zlz5150 in that it does look like you have room to grow on the SAT more so than the ACT.</p>