Would studying for the ACT or SAT be more beneficial for me?

<p>I have taken the ACT about three times now and each time I have scored about a 20-21.</p>

<p>The biggest problem for me is the time, because I'm a slow person. When I read I prefer to go through things and read the questions 2-3 times but with this test I am rushed and can never get to the last 10 or so questions on each section even when I am rushing.</p>

<p>I am in Calculus AB as a junior and I am struggling to get above a 25 on ACT Math. Although I am very strong in more basic math questions that I have done rather then lengthy word problems.</p>

<p>I am also in IB/AP English and Science classes and I am having a very difficult time on English/Reading/Science.</p>

<p>Currently I am in a bad spot for applying to colleges because my goal was to get AT LEAST a 27 on my ACT but even with a lot of studying I would need a miracle.</p>

<p>I took the PSAT earliar in the year and scored about a 150 without prep and I don't think I focused or tried very much.</p>

<p>If I can devote a lot of time to studying would I be better off taking the SAT? or should I stick with the ACT? </p>

<p>Also which test is more of a study for type of test, the ACT or SAT?</p>

<p>Take the SAT; honestly, if i were to choose one over the other it would have to be the SAT because of the fact that they offer you with so much REAL material to study from. I don’t understand how you can get anything accomplished with only 3 real ACT tests. For the SAT you have the blue book with 10, there are a bunch of QAS’s around the net, and you can buy past PSAT’s for only $3 each. Realistically, if you’re a hard worker, there should be no excuse for you not to do well on the SAT because you’re given so much to use.</p>

<p>I’d say the SAT math is tricky but once you do enough practice it becomes easier and easier (and you slowly start to see your score increase after each test). If you’re slow on reading, take the SAT. Personally, i read through the entire passages then answer questions while “referencing” if i need to. When i took the ACT i was always frustrated that i had to literally skim the passages rather than take at least 4-5 minutes to actually understand what i’m reading. The SAT reading passages are also a lot more interesting from what i’ve seen.</p>

<p>With two months of hard work you can get your 150 PSAT to a 2000 SAT. Practice + review for math/writing will make you believe. I scored a 60W on the PSAT and i’ve been consistently scoring 700-800 on the practice tests i’ve taken for writing. I scored a 55M on the PSAT but i’ve been consistently scoring 680-750 on practice tests. It’s all about getting familiarized.</p>

<p>^Sorry if anything sounds grammatically incorrect, I’m in a rush and i don’t feel like editing!</p>

<p>also check out test optional schools at <a href=“http://www.fairtest.org…your%5B/url%5D”>www.fairtest.org…your</a> curriculum is definitely strong enough to compensate…</p>

<p>A 21 on the ACT = a 150, or 1500 on the PSAT or SAT, respectively.</p>

<p>Given that you prepared for the ACT, and you didn’t for the PSAT, you should probably do the PSAT because you seem to do better on it naturally.</p>

<p>A 27 on the ACT = an 1800 on the SAT. Not a big jump from a 1500 SAT. You can probably do it.</p>

<p>[ACT</a> to SAT Score Conversion Table | InLikeMe](<a href=“http://www.inlikeme.com/test/act-sat-score-conversion-table.html]ACT”>http://www.inlikeme.com/test/act-sat-score-conversion-table.html)</p>

<p>I saw sign up for a free practice test for the SAT (a collegeboard account might be handy or even necessary somewhere down the road anyway) and see how you do, compare it to the ACT, and then pick the one you think you can study better for. While the SAT is harder than the PSAT, the ACT, as someone pointed out, has a lot less released content to study off of.</p>