Which UCs have Public Health/Global Diseases program?

Which UCs have Public Health or Global Diseases program like UC Davis has?
Is this an impacted major in most UCs?
Also if Public Health is not available, should one go undecided even if all ECs are Public Health related?

Here links to the UC’s that offer Public Health:
https://spp.ucr.edu/undergraduate (not public health but Health Policy major which could work)

Also a degree in Microbiology or Environmental Studies/Science could be an option.

Many more options for Public Health as a major at the Cal States.

What is your career plan by pursing a Public Health degree?

Thanks a lot for the info!
I plan to either do MBA or Law or MPH after Public Health undergrad.
I wonder how much UCs give importance to ECs for admission in Public Health.
My GPA is 3.7, SAT 1500
ECs: worked in Lab at Berkeley doing disease research, internship at multiple companies in health field, etc.
So basically dependent on SAT and ECs for admission to UCs Public Health.

EC’s are considered Important for all the UC’s but they will not overcome deficiencies in other areas of your application. UC GPA, Test scores, HS course rigor and personal insight essays are considered the most Important part of your application.