<p>I just got my acceptance call to be a finalist today!!! So happy! I was surprised they notified me so early since the website said they'll let people know by December 1st.</p>
<p>Anyone else I'll be seeing during artsweek?!?</p>
<p>I just got my acceptance call to be a finalist today!!! So happy! I was surprised they notified me so early since the website said they'll let people know by December 1st.</p>
<p>Anyone else I'll be seeing during artsweek?!?</p>
<p>Yes - my daughter got a call as well! CONGRATS!</p>
<p>I'll be there!
I won in film and novel writing. They told me I had to pick just one for ARTS week, so I'll be joining the other writing finalists.
I'm so excited!</p>
<p>Congrats to you vegangirl! WOW - finalist in two categories!!!! Brava!</p>
<p>Congrats, all. My daughter went in 2002 and it was an amazing experience. Chris Young (the new country music star) was in her ARTS group. When she opened her letter she was screaming so loud I thought something bad had happened!</p>
<p>woohoo! great job to everyone!</p>
<p>Congrats to all!</p>
<p>Yes, congrats all.</p>
<p>I justs learned about the NFAA this year too late for my child. It sounds like an amazing experience!</p>
<p>Congrats all you guys! It's a great tribute to your talent and hard work.</p>
<p>You will have an awesome time! If you get a chance, check out the documentary, "Rehearsing a Dream" on HBO/Cinemax-it's about NFAA winners! If you are excited now, you'll be even more psyched after watching it!</p>
<p>wow vegangirl, kudos to you!! ill see you there!</p>
<p>congrats to ABlestDaughter, perpetualmotion and vegangirl! that's fantastic! No call for S, so I'm guessing he didn't make the cut. No surprise to him (used music on stand, missed two high notes, had beginnings of cold, was pretty stiff), although I think he's a star! Doing the filming really was a helpful experience and I recommend it to future seniors, as now S is working with his voice teacher on expression and has eliminated the really tough piece from his audition list and is saving it for later in his career.</p>
<p>Kudos to all who made it and have a great time in Fla!</p>
<p>Congratulations to all who made it. It's fantastic! I hope I see you at the Kennedy Center, too :)</p>
<p>For those that did not, we found that just participating opened many doors. By participating the repertoire for auditions was ready much earlier and prepping for each audition was less stressful as a result. We also found that the schools looked for different things in the auditions than the competitions. DD was disappointed last year, but in the end, she ended up where she belonged even without being a finalist.</p>
<p>by the way, if anyone wants to check their NFAA scores online, you can do that through this site:
<p>(this site isn't linked from the main NFAA website yet, but i found it via google search and it works)</p>
<p>Vegangirl - I believe it only works for finalists. The other scores are supposed to be accessible on Dec. 1st.</p>
<p>Yeah, when you click that link all you get is the NFAA's regular page frame and a YouTube video. Is there some way to log in somehow?</p>
<p>Not until Dec 1st.</p>
<p>oooh, they changed the link. sorry guys!</p>
<p>My son is going as well! He's a classical tenor. The due date snuck up on us and we had to rush everything. We video'd him and overnighted it just 2 days before it was due. He's so excited and very surprised. It just sounds like the most amazing experience! Congratulations to all!</p>
<p>Heyyy! I've been kinda lurking around this site looking at college info, etc. but when I saw this post I decided to finally get a user name....I'm a finalist too, in the spoken theatre category, and I'm SO psyched/overwhelmed. I think it's bigger than I thought it was...haha. Congrats to all you guys, I'm so pumped to meet you all!</p>