Who is applying EA, ED 2012-???

<p>yes, statistics seems relatively new. here in texas it has been creeping in over the past three years with most all schools mandatory this year. it is replacing the requirement at some schools for calculus which for the most part is no longer required – go figure (LOL). i had to shake my head that two levels of college calc would not replace statistics.</p>

<p>and ps 5Boys - my son would be one of those students yelling to your son across campus “GO HERE”. and i would be one of those moms that will tell you that CC has been absoloutely AWESOME. my son also got into colgate - decided easily on CC and has NEVER looked back. if it is a FIT - nowhere on earth is quite like the cc experience - a “unique intellectual adventure” - indeed.</p>

<p>txcarol… we did actually have students yell at my S to " go to CC, you will LOVE it". My S said the one thing that stood out to him the most about CC was that everyone he had contact with on his visit was SO thrilled about being at CC. He didn’t have 1 student tell him anything negative about it. He thought that was very impressive. He also felt that everyone was so friendly and welcoming to him as a “prospie” I think that this sort of feeling of the fit is 99% of happiness in college. I absolutely know he would be very happy there. Keep your fingers crossed for Dec.</p>

<p>If it makes any real difference in the student’s decision on whether he or she would like CC, CC is user-friendly to the (reasonable) parent. On the 3 or 4 ocassions that I needed a question answered, CC was timely in responding and thorough in the response. One issue related to campus security and whether my S realized it, talking to the head policeman on campus avoided me pressuring S for information.</p>

<p>I also was impressed with what I view as flexibility. My S’s senior thesis advisor in Mathematical Economics got him a grant from CC that enabled him to stay in Colorado Springs for a month after graduation and edit his thesis for submission for possible publication. </p>

<p>One of his professors in his other major was his connection for a 2 month free residence in Taipei at a national artisit village for the two months after editing the thesis. This opportunity to have the residence came right before Winter Break his senior year. Because of the block system, he was able to change his foreign language from Spanish to Mandrain and get the 2 blocks in.</p>

<p>CC was a great while S was there and has continued to be super to him after graduation.</p>

<p>Hi all! I’m a senior applying to CC this year. It’s a fantastic fit for me, I think, and I’m going for early action. I was wondering if anyone had advice for the interview? I have one scheduled in Chicago on Saturday and I’m quite nervous…does anyone know what kinds of questions they might ask? Any curveballs (e.g. if you were a sandwich, what kind would you be) or just straightforward questions about your grades and activities?</p>

<p>My son is currently a sophomore at CC. Easiest of all his interviews. It was not a stresssful one at all. Just a conversation. Yeah they asked about his transcript - what class did you like most etc. Why CC? Nothing to “catch” you. It was a make sure you know what your getting into type thing.
Best of luck. Relax, be yourself.</p>

<p>My S is also applying EA to CC and he had an interview on campus last week. He said it was great and VERY casual. They just chatted about some of his EC’s and his semester on an organic farm in VT that his admissions rep knew about. I think they also talked about why CC would be a good fit. I’m sure my S had A LOT to say about that. Ditto waht skier said… just be yourself.</p>

<p>I think I’m applying EA. I just started considering Colorado College today just in time for the EA deadline :-)</p>

<p>I sent in my early action app. Fingers crossed! How much does being a double legacy help? any?</p>

<p>Being a legacy helps, if you apply early. Siblings are common at CC so having a sibling who attends CC also appears to give an applicant a slight advantage.</p>

<p>Hi to all,
I am applying too! Will submit my application tonight. I am an international applying for aid. So, yeah, fingers crossed!</p>

<p>My D applied ED on Tuesday. This was after visiting CC last week and confirming what she believed…she loves CC. She attended a class, information session, tour, interview and spent the night with a friend from her High School who is a Freshman. We were both a little bit hesitant on the Block schedule. After learning more and speaking to lots of students, the block schedule offers a really unique learning experience. The students seem to be genuinely enthusiastic about the school, block schedule, access to professors, block breaks and are passionate about their classes. It was clear that pounding through Organic Chemistry in 3 ½ weeks is no picnic….but CC provides a lot of additional resources for tougher courses. Overall, the experience left my daughter with no concerns with going ED. She is applying to a number of great schools such as Skidmore, Bucknell, Union but is really hoping CC comes through.</p>

<p>My S just decided at the LAST minute, to change his EA app to ED…He is just SO sure CC is the one for him!! He didn’t know you could do that and CC sent him an email asking him if he wanted to switch… I guess that is all it took… What is the ED release date again?</p>

<p>[Deadlines</a> | First-Year Applicants | Prospective Students](<a href=“http://www2.coloradocollege.edu/admission/firstyear/deadlines.asp]Deadlines”>http://www2.coloradocollege.edu/admission/firstyear/deadlines.asp)</p>

<p>Mid-December notification for ED 1, early Feb for ED 2.</p>

<p>Thanks TK!!! please keep positive thoughts for my S!!! I guess he will know in a few weeks…</p>

<p>I’d say an invite by CC to go EA is a strong HINT that they want him. CC has a way of getting their message across. </p>

<p>Back in early 2008 after getting accepted ED in late Dec., my son called the regional CC admissions representative he had met at the college night at his HS to tell her he was planning on coming to visit CC in early Feb. and to ask her a few questions.</p>

<p>She asked him if he had already bought his tickets. He said no. She said don’t. She said that he would be receiving an invitation to the scholarship days get together and that CC would be paying for the roundtrip ticket for those who were invited and were from out of state. BTW–he asked and they let him extend the return flight so that he got to stay over into the weekend. </p>

<p>When he took an 8th Block CC course in Taipei, the ticket was included and CC let him book his return for 6 weeks after the end of the class so he backpacked in Cambodia and Malayasia.</p>

<p>All students at CC need to look for these perks and ASK for things that help them especially if it doesn’t cost the school more than they would have to spend otherwise.</p>

<p>I joined just to post in this thread! I’ve been lurking for a couple of months, and I figured I should introduce myself.</p>

<p>I’m absolutely enthralled with CC. The Block Plan is perfect for my work style, the setting is beautiful and the people are awesome. What’s not to love?</p>

<p>I applied Early Decision 1 and am anxiously awaiting my decision! I think I’m a pretty competitive candidate, and everything so far has been perfect with CC so hopefully it continues and I get accepted with a great financial aid package! :D</p>

<p>I got a 2100 SAT and 31 on my ACT, have a 3.9 UW/4.5 W GPA. I have a pretty rigorous schedule (AP Calc AB, AP Psychology, CIS English, French V, AP Government, AP Economics this year.) I also took a lot of AP classes and tests my previous years, including a 5 on Language and Composition and APUSH, as well as some 4s on Euro, Literature and Composition and a 3 on Chemistry.</p>

<p>More importantly than the academics, I am very involved in my school, being the Co-president of NHS, our Environmental Club and European History Club. I am also heavily involved with a local museum (I work there and also intern).</p>

<p>I feel like my interview went very well when I visited over the Summer (we had a 40 minute conversation!) and my 2 letters of recommendation were awesome! I also visited again during the school year to do an overnight. I revised my essays a lot and hope that they’re good (although my common app one did end up being 750 words, hopefully that isn’t a problem :/). I also had a nice conversation with my admissions rep last time I was there. </p>

<p>What do you guys think my chances are? I’m nervously-cautiously-optimistically-excited! The 15th/22nd can’t come soon enough! </p>

That’s pretty cool how well CC takes care of their students - I definitely noticed that they were attentive and very nice while I was there. </p>

<p>When do you think the decisions will come? I’ve heard the 15th and the 22nd. All I know for sure is that it can’t come soon enough!</p>

<p>hopeful… you look good to me… I don’t see any negatives… Hopefully you and my S will see each other on accepted student days:-))</p>

<p>07DAD… I hope you are right!! I did think it was a little odd that he received that email… I was only pushing EA because of FA… but I went ahead and let him switch to ED… the FA calculator looked good… SO, not guts, no glory… Go big or go home!! LOL!! 2 weeks seems like an eternity right now. He had a big kick in the butt this week as he was deferred from UVM… it was very scary to him… I think this is what prompted him to go ED. We can’t quite figure out what the deal is with UVM?? He is WAY over their average stats. It is in no way at the top of his list… so maybe they knew that.</p>

<p>“2 weeks seems like an eternity right now.”</p>

<p>You’re telling me! Try being the applicant! :stuck_out_tongue: (Although to be fair, you’re probably a lot more worried about FA than I am haha).</p>

<p>Thank you for your reply, it definitely helps. I’m pretty hopeful but at the same time I’m nervous and excited. I’d like to hope that my love for everything CC came through in my “Why CC” essay, I revised it right after I got back from my visit so I’m thinking it will.</p>

<p>Cheers! Here’s to hoping that your son and I get some early Christmas this year! :-)</p>

<p>AHH Hopeful… YES!! I hope it we are all celebrating before xmas… and my S revised his "Why CC"essay after his visit too… I think his visit confirmed everything he thought he would love about CC and more… his overnight was AMAZING!! He felt it CC was HOME to him… and he visited A LOT of top LAC’s…</p>