Who is applying ED or EA this year?

<p>Thank you everybody</p>

<p>I applied EA, very nervous/excited! Do you think it will hurt me that I didn’t get a chance to visit campus? I had an interview with the director of admissions, but I was unable to actually get to Colorado to see the school. I’m worried they won’t take me seriously because I haven’t actually visited, but I’m hoping it doesn’t hurt me that much…</p>

<p>I dont think it will hurt your chances… you have done an interview atleast, I haven’t… wen did u take the interview? do u think I can still ask for a phone interview?? and can you please post your stats?</p>

<p>Remember, CC does not require interviews. I know my son got in EA with only having met the regional admission person at a college fair held at this HS. He did not visit before he applied or before the decisions came out.</p>

<p>All of this activity at this point, if it involves CC admission staff employees, may not be really appreciated since they are in the process of going through a large number of applications with a late December/early Jan. promise to have out decisions.</p>

<p>Before I’d push CC to set up an interview at this stage in the game, I’d call admissions and be candid in asking if, at this point, an interview would be a possible “plus” factor or merely viewed as taking up their time.</p>

<p>Here is the CC suggestions for the applicant when an interview is set up with an Alumni. <a href=“http://www.coloradocollege.edu/Alumni/AAB/AAR/alumniPreparing%20for%20your%20Colorado%20College%20Interview.doc[/url]”>http://www.coloradocollege.edu/Alumni/AAB/AAR/alumniPreparing%20for%20your%20Colorado%20College%20Interview.doc&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks 07 dad… I have decided not to take an interview… I’ll just sit back now and see how things come out.</p>

<p>btw wheretoapplyomg, are you applying for Financial Aid?</p>

<p>I applied EA to CC with a custom-made recommendation from an alumni.</p>

<p>I know that they mail out early decision acceptance/rejection letters in “mid-December” but I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with what they consider mid December. I’m just anxious and I don’t know if I should start running to the mailbox starting the 10th or 17th…</p>

<p>There is an older thread that addresses this. You might want to find it and revive it. </p>

<p>I seem to recall that some received the letter in the US around the 17-18th(ED) and that some received it around the 28th (EA). My guess is that they send the ED before X-mas and the EA after.</p>

<p>Thanks for bumping up the other threads, 07DAD! That was very helpful, I probably should have looked further haha.</p>

<p>I applied early action…hopefully I’ll be getting good news</p>

<p>looks like the ED’s of some colleges are already out… any idea when ours is coming?? will it be before the 15th?</p>

<p>They just say “mid-December”. I saw in a past article though that some people didn’t receive their notification until the 17-19 though.</p>

<p>can u post ur stats?? did u apply ed?</p>

<p>Hello all. My son applied ED1 so we are waiting…waiting :slight_smile: He had an interview in our state & contacted the tennis coach, but no response as yet. Good luck to all who applied this year. We will have some idea soon.</p>

<p>Hey guys, I applied ed 1 and I am so anxiously awaiting the decision in a few days. I have a 3.92 unweighted, 4.54 weighted, with 2050 SAT’s, and I interviewed. Think I will get in?</p>

<p>@Purplesunshine- ur stats are similar to mine… got a 2040 in sat and I have similar GPA’s… so let’s see… btw, are you applying for aid?</p>

<p>@gettin2college- I applied ED1 and I have contacted the tennis coach as well… Can you please post your stats and whether ur applying for financial aid?? If everything goes well, ur son and I will be playing in the same team… Cheers!!</p>

<p>huh, funny I contacted the tennis coach too. And I’m not applying for need based financial aid, but I am going to apply for whatever merit scholarships I qualify for. I have also visited CC.</p>

<p>haha cool… we’ve got three tennis playing, ED applicants right here… and I am getting anxious. REALLY ANXIOUS!!</p>

<p>scared poopless</p>