Who is applying ED or EA this year?

<p>I got my big envelope today. Accepted!</p>

<p>CONGRATULATIONS!!! Can I ask where (in what state) you live? We live in a sort of remote part of Massachusetts where mail sometimes takes an extra day so I’m wondering if this means we might also hear today … or tomorrow … or later than that.</p>

<p>Congrats! CC gets out for Winter Break December 22 at noon this year. </p>

<p>My recall over the last 4 years is that it “appears” that the ED decisions go out about now (although it seems a little earlier this year). Then, the majority of EA seem to arrive right after X-mas. There are a few EA that seem to take until Jan 5-10th.</p>

<p>I live in Maryland</p>

<p>I’m in!! Good luck to everybody else! Hope to see you all next year.</p>

<p>Maryland? Cool – thanks for telling me! Since you’re really not much closer than we are I think that means my son would hear today or tomorrow … fingers crossed, I’ll head home and grab today’s mail. Thanks, and again congratulations.</p>

<p>We got the letter today – he was accepted – yay! So happy, so relieved, he’s so psyched. It’s all good. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :0</p>

<p>Congratss to your sonn!!!
Do you mind if I ask what his stats are/were?</p>

<p>I am from MN and am going nuts waiting for my letter… thinking it may have been delayed by the humongous snowstorm we had this past weekend…</p>

<p>I’ll give it a try with the stats: Public school in a small college town, SATs cr 660, m 680, w 740, GPA unweighted 3.44, lots of APs, honors, etc, AP English 4, AP physics 4, SAT II Math 670 Physics 690 (I think), also submitted the art supplement with oil paintings. ECs were varisty wrestling 6 yrs, guitar 5 yrs, community service @ home + in Costa rica, honor society, painting classes, voice lessons … stuff like that. Wrote a lot about art, designed a “3+ 1/2 wk adventure” about starting a web site for student artists. So like that. We went out and interviewed, then crossed our fingers. Hope you get in!!!</p>

<p>Wow!! Very impressive!</p>

<p>Thank you so much for replying, and tell your son congratulations for me!</p>

<p>Thanks! I hope you get accepted and get to meet him. He’s a laid back easygoing type who likes to paint and play guitar and be around other people his age. I think he’ll like college. I send you best wishes – really hope you get good news soon!</p>

<p>Has Colorado College forgotten about me??? Internationals are getting their ED decisions by email and I haven’t yet gotten it…</p>

<p>hey mykidwouldkillme, can you please tell me whether you applied for financial aid or not?</p>

<p>Yes sidthekid, we did apply for aid and got a (tentative) generous package. I was stunned, actually. I expected to get zero. I don’t know if it was merit aid because the letter just said “grants and/or scholarships” with an amount (plus small amounts as loans, tentative work study, pell grant, that sort of thing), but unless they give merit aid for aritsitc talent I don’t know that my kid would have been at the very top of their applicant pool. I just have no idea how it all works, but it put us in a very good mood.</p>

<p>From the CC website:</p>



<p>Here is the financial aid stats for resident, non-resident , need-based and non-need based (merit) aid.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.coloradocollege.edu/dean/oir/documents/Pages43-47SourcesandAmountsofUndergraduateAid.pdf[/url]”>http://www.coloradocollege.edu/dean/oir/documents/Pages43-47SourcesandAmountsofUndergraduateAid.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Approximately 202-208 students out of total of 1966 enrolled got MERIT aid. Average merit aid (non-athletic) $17,773.</p>

<p>Approximately 698-722 got need based aid. Resident average need based aid was $30,203.</p>

<p>FYI-- it seem that a need based student can also get merit aid.</p>

<p>There are stats for non-resident students.</p>

<p>I don’t see how the stats add up to 60% get some aid, but I’m left brained.</p>

<p>I got in!!!
Good luck to everyone elsee!!!</p>

<p>@m1k3y1 -Congratulations!!! Can you please post ur stats for the rest of the applicants who still haven’t gotten their decisions?</p>

<p>@07dad- YOUR POSTS ALWAYS GIVE ME HOPE. Did CC give aid to 56 non-resident freshmen or was 56 the total number of non residents( freshmen, soph, junior, senior) who got aid in 2009- 10?</p>

<p>@mykidwouldkillme- Congrats on both the admission and the generous aid. I hope I get a letter that puts me in a good mood too.</p>

<p>The scores I reported were 700 Math, 670 Reading and a 34 math act. I had a 3.6 GPA and ranked in the top 12% of my class. I’ve run x country and indoor track since freshman year and started outdoor track last year. Still doing that. I have leadership positions and founded the table tennis club if that counts for anything. I went to the Dominican Republic for 8 weeks last summer with a program called Amigos de las Americas and stayed with a host family. The summer before I did a college summer program too. Also, i thought my essays were pretty good. They included a note about my block in their acceptance letter. I’m going there with that.</p>

<p>hey, congrats to igotintocc and everyone else who got in!!! Can you please tell me when u got ur letters and if possible, when these letters were sent?? Internationals are supposed to get their decisions through EMAIL but I havent heard anything from CC. Do you think they are still working on decisions or is everything out and they just forgot about me?( I really hope that the latter is not the case). Anyway, all the best for those who haven’t yet received their letter/ emails.</p>

<p>Congratulations everyone! I think it might be time for you admitted students to start a CC class of 2015 Facebook page so you can “meet” each other. @ sidthekid, I think if you haven’t heard anything by 12/20 it would be okay to contact CC + check out the situation – they’re not going to hold it against you if it’s a legit call and this point in the process.</p>