Who is applying ED or EA this year?

<p>Congratulations to everyone who was accepted!!! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I still haven’t heard…tomorrow hopefully!</p>


<p>GPA - 3.5 (got a 4.0 in my first trimester Senior year)
ACT - 30
Intended Majors - History and Theatre </p>

<p>Lots of leadership positions in my extracurriculars (Varsity XC captain, Award Winning Actor, Founder of Several Political Clubs, etc.)</p>

<p>Wrote a really good essay about my weight loss and how it represented an inner transformation</p>

<p>rejected e.d
31 act, 3.4 unweighted gpa. lots of leadership/activities. teachers and counselor who wrote my recs knew me well, good essay. I visited and had a great interview, so I’m pretty bummed.</p>

<p>anyone who was accepted, what were your sats/acts?</p>

<p>My son was accepted ED. His SATs were m 680 v 660 w 740. He also submitted the Arts Supplement to the Common App with paintings, which probably helped.</p>

<p>Accepted EA!! (I’m unbelievably excited right now, this is definitely one of my top choices)</p>

<p>UW GPA: 3.98
ACT: 35
SAT: 2280
Siemens Semifinalist, National Merit Semifinalist, etc.</p>

<p>Accepted! Almost full ride!</p>

<p>GPA 4.0 (weighted 4.78) CR 700 M 730 W 770</p>

<p>Lots of e.c.s mostly focused on foreign language and volunteer.
Went to Multi Cultural Open House.
Had a pretty good interview, and I think I had some really powerful essays.
From a small country town in NC.</p>

<p>Mt1993, where are you from? What are your individual scores?</p>

<p>accepted ea!!! so happy…got my letter in the mail yesterday, i can’t believe there was a personalized letter about my common app essay!?!
GPA 3.87
CR 720
M 700
W 670</p>

<p>Rejected. :frowning: I can’t believe it.</p>

<p>My daughter was accepted! FA not what I expected. Considerably less than what her older sis received at a top 20 LAC…very weird.</p>

<p>skirockies what were your scores and grades like?</p>

<p>^Not very good. Top 15%, 4.0 W, 3.7 UW, 29 ACT. Good extracurriculars, great teacher recs. and I thought I had really good essays. I just wasn’t up to par. Being rejected is understandable, but I just really wanted to get in somehow!</p>

<p>The decisions were mailed December 22, correct? Today’s the 31st (obviously) and mine still hasn’t come…
I live in Atlanta, BTW.</p>

<p>Deferred EA, not surprised.
2140 SAT
4.3 W
3.9 UW
IB Diploma Candidate
National Merit Semi-finalist
Solid essays, ECs, etc.</p>

<p>I knew I would be deferred because I told them I was applying for financial aid but my father refused to send his tax returns (despite many fights about it, he still thinks they are trying to steal his identity), and they told me that if I didn’t send them I would either not get aid or be deferred. </p>

<p>Does anyone know: if I send in the FAFSA, do I still have to send copies of tax returns? I think they are included in FAFSA. My father absolutely flat-out refuses to send them directly to a school. </p>

<p>CC is at the top of my list but there is no way I can go without significant financial aid, so if they require tax returns on top of the FAFSA in the RD cycle, I should just withdraw my application and not waste their time.</p>

<p>I think you should call them and talk directly to them about your situation and see what they suggest. That’s what i would do, and your situation is unusual so you might need their advice. Based on your stats they should want to accept you (I think) so it would be a shame if you couldn’t work something out with them. Perhaps they could talk to your dad and convince him (though maybe not)? I think most schools that are going to give $ will want tax returns … at least that’s how it seemed when we applied.</p>

<p>I got accepted EA a few days ago! I’m very excited…it’s my second choice behind Rice (which is probably a stretch) so this is good news.</p>

<p>My weighted GPA was a 4.2, ACT 33, NMSF, treasurer of national honor society, student government, mission work, good essays, environmental research experience, etc. </p>

<p>Congrats to everyone! And to those deferred…good luck!</p>

<p>Did any of you accepted students apply for aid and if so were you pleased w/your financial aid award?</p>

<p>my son’s award is tentative, of course, because of the Early Decision, but we were pretty pumped about it. We thought the scholarship/ grants part was pretty great. But we have no idea whether it was need-based or merit or what (?) because the letter just said “scholarships/grants” without any detail. Then on top of that there was a potential Pell grant, work study, and student loans if we want to take them. Added all together it would cover nearly all the costs for the year. Did anyone get something explaining that the $ they were getting was specifically merit aid vs. need-based? We can’t figure it out.</p>

<p>My daughter got a merit scholarship (but did not apply for finaid). It was pretty obvious - it came with a congratulations letter and a certificate. It was the Trustee’s Scholarship.</p>