Who is applying ED or EA this year?

<p>@skirockies Deferred isn’t rejected. Hope that changes for you - to the positive.</p>

<p>^Thank you! :slight_smile: I hope so too LOL. So decisions were mailed today! Somewhere between Ohio and Colorado there is my answer…exciting!</p>

<p>best of luck skirockies</p>

<p>I got accepted to CC !! : D I received the email yesterday and was so happy!! Good luck skirockies!</p>

<p>did she apply ED or EA?congrats!</p>

<p>sorry, I mean did YOU apply EA or ED!!</p>

<p>Yea i thought they only notified by letter?</p>

<p>musicgal is in Malaysia, they probably email the internationals. Congrats. We are waiting for an EA letter in So Cal.</p>

<p>just got my EA acceptance today in the mail! So excited! and the financail aid was even better than i was expecting!</p>

<p>Where do you live mcjones? And congrats!</p>

<p>Congrats! Is it your first choice?</p>

<p>I live in upstate ny so I was kinda surprised to get it before chrsitmas.</p>

<p>if its not my first choice its def in my top two. living in ny I havent had a chance to visit but I love everything I’ve heard and read about it. Right now its between Colorado and University of Vermont. Either way I’m going to get to do some sick snowboarding!</p>

<p>deferred! oh well</p>

<p>wheretoapplyomg, what were your scores like??</p>

<p>CR: 680
M: 600
W: 670
3 APs and a few honors, taking a lot of classes this year, good extracurriculars, but just didn’t cut it!</p>

<p>wheretoapplyomg – if CC is your first choice it’s worth writing them a short note letting them know you are still very interested in their school, telling them it’s your current 1st choice (if it is) and letting them know about some recent accomplishment or activity that might not have made it onto your application the first time. These little notes do matter, and since you’ve been deferred rather than rejected they’re obviously still considering you, so it’s worth reminding them of your enthusiasm, etc for their school.</p>


<p>We got the package in the mail today. Now to decide. very excited in our home today!! Nice envelope and hand written note from the person with whom he interviewed. Nice touch & beautiful poster!</p>

<p>my daughter got her acceptance today. Also, a lovely hand written note. We are in Los Angeles area</p>

<p>My son got a note as well, very nice touch. Thry must have their work cut out for them, thinking of nice things to say on notes to all their accepted students … We’re from western Massachusetts.</p>