who is from Canada?

<p>currently studying in uwaterloo, seeking 2009 fall transfering to usa, often go to toronto in weekends, and will be back to vancouver for this chrismas.</p>

<p>I’m in Vancouver!</p>

<p>r v the only two from canada here?
by the way, i live in white rock, nice to meet u!
normally i will go home after each term, but this xmas i am gonna stay in waterloo to prepare my essay and sat.</p>

<p>I did some high school studying abroad in Canada.
Yeah not the same, I know^^</p>

<p>what are you majoring at waterloo?</p>

<p>I used to live in Ontario too lol.</p>

<p>I’m Canadian, junior year HS
I’ll probably go to University here, too. I might think about transferring to the US though, depending on if the situation improves down south.</p>

<p>Hi, I’m Canadian too and also a junior in high school :)</p>

<p>me toooo =) alberta!</p>

<p>I am Canadian too, Going to Humber College Toronto, Damn its cold.</p>

<p>Me toooo! I live in Montreal, Grade 10, thinking about attending NYU to study law :slight_smile: Im a little confused. 86% average, enriched (AP) english & french classes… Hopefully I’ll get in :)</p>

<p>Senior HS student from Ontario! :slight_smile: nice to see more Canadians on here.</p>

<p>Me too! I’m from Coquitlam to be specific.</p>

<p>i lived in canada when i was 11, moved when i was 13.</p>



<p>Canadian from Montreal. Just finished an M.A. at NYU…loved every minute of it…a great school!</p>

<p>Senior from Ontario… applied to US already, but probably staying home due to $</p>

<p>Queens U ftw!!</p>

<p>Trust me, especially in this economy, America’s overrated. I can’t think of any other national entity that is more insolvent than the Americans right now, nor can I think of any banking system healthier than Canada’s at the moment. Which is to say, I’ll probably go up there and join you guys for law school :wink: </p>

<p>Jessicaa-you can’t study law as an undergrad in the US. You have to go to law school after undergrad :slight_smile: Just so you know :)</p>

<p>Senior in Toronto!
Used to live here until Gr 4, moved to Hong Kong and moved back this year. Yea, it’s complicated.
How does the transfer process work from Canada to the US? Are you generally allowed to transfer most, if not all, of your first year credits so you’d be going into the 2nd year and not back to the 1st? I hope that makes sense…</p>

<p>does anyone find the delay in mail really annoying because we’re in Canada?</p>

<p>im waiting for so much stuff and it all takes 2+ weeks to get here whereas people in the US get their stuff in like a few days… haha</p>

<p>Vancouverite here, headed to Mudd next year. Going to be weird without all the rain…</p>