<p>My husband's son will be 21 in the fall. He'll also be a junior in college, well on his way to a prestigious engineering degree. He likely will pull down $60-70,000 his first year out of school.</p>
<p>My husband, who is in his early 50s, lost his job a little over a year ago. His chances of finding another job in his field were slim to none. He has little formal education, but is a smart, hard-working guy, and he got into a good training program at our local community college. In a year and a half or so, he'll probably be able to get a decent job with modest upside potential. It will pay around $35,000 a year to start. </p>
<p>His son and his ex are putting the squeeze on my husband to finance far more of the kid's education than he (we) can afford. If things continue on their current path, it is likely that my husband will be about $20,000 in debt when he gets his new $35,000-a-year job. He, his ex, and his son are trying to work it so that the boy will have zero debt when he gets his new $60,000-a-year job. </p>
<p>My husband and his ex have no formal agreement about who pays for what in their son's education, so it's all what the 3 of them negotiate. As things stand now, my husband is effectively assuming debt so the kid can graduate debt-free. He's said that, if the kid has to borrow money to finish school, he'll help him pay it back. Sure--on $35,000 a year, with $20,000 of debt hanging over our heads. </p>
<p>I am fuming. After he pays several hundred dollars a month to his son, my husband is just about able to squeak out his half of our expenses. I earn decent money, and it's gotten to the point where I'm paying for all the extras we enjoy--dinners out and so on. It's not really much, and I don't want to be petty, but the situation is beginning to wear thin. I'm delighted for the boy, and happy that my husband is proud of him. But I have no interest in eating rice and beans for years to come so the kid can enjoy his engineering salary debt-free.</p>
<p>I fully intend to put my foot down about this, but am not sure just where to put it down and how hard. What do y'all think?</p>