Who signs up for classes first?

<p>Is it seniors then juniors then transfer then sophomores and then freshman? Or is it totally random?</p>

<p>hmm I’ve also been wondering how difficult it’ll be to get classes as a transfer student at ucsd.</p>

<p>It’s by number of units, so if you have AP credit or credit from other colleges coming in, it will help. However, first quarter Freshman year is random regardless of number of units.</p>

<p>nice, then I think I should be on equal footing with other juniors at ucsd next year. thanks, jesuis.</p>

<h1>of units, sole determinate. Nothing to do with transfer or not. I transferred</h1>

<p>with a lot of BS units that has given me a good time, but I didn’t make it into some of the “senior” classes.</p>

<p>I thought that regular juniors get to pick before transfer juniors? - at least for the first quarter?</p>

<p>^same here. thought it went by number of units, then entering frosh, then entering transfers for fall quarter</p>