<p>Fendertime - I actually did not indicate a second choice major as business was the only thing I was intrested in and I really didn't have a desire to study anything else. I clarified my position later that my frustration was not neccessarily with the fact that I did not get into McCombs but that they essentially wasted a spot that could have gone to someone else by accepting me into a major I never asked for or wanted. If they have so few spots then this is a sad policy.</p>
<p>I was a little angry at the time I wrote my original posting as I just found out about the decision and was very frustrated. I am no longer angry, just puzzled by UT's logic. My cousin was not accepted to UT Austin and was instead accepted to the CAPS program. My spot was one that could have gone to her.</p>
<p>houstonevo8 - My oldest business is a media import/export e-business which markets regional media to parts of the world where it has not been commerically released or is prohibitively expensive</p>
<p>My new business which is doing quite well is the sale of inductive load regulaors and power factor corrective units to businesses and homeowners to increase their electircal efficiency and cut down on electric costs.</p>
<p>if you can go to OU for free then go. just put it like this: instead of hearing you whine to admissions about being rejected from the school, they actually gave you another chance to prove them wrong.</p>
how hard is it to transfer into the business school once you've been there for idk a year
<p>According to the UT McCombs website, the school typically accepts 65% of internal transfers. If you hold a good GPA and take the right courses, you've got a good shot.</p>
<p>UT is pretty confusing when it comes to some things like getting accepted into certain schools or honors programs. They each have specific things that are all dfiferent for each. Like for their business school in general, they most likely look more at rank, but as for their honors program, I think they take officer positions (or rather mainly President positions) into a much greater account and focus less on rank from there.</p>
<p>Amazon, your stats for extra cirricular or whatever you'd like to call your business and state recognition is seriously amazing! lol Congrats on your success and in my opinion, UT doesn't know what they're missing out on if they pass up someone who's had so much more experience than probably 75%+ of their applicants.</p>
<p>you either go to UT or not--stop whining on a message board and give them a call if you feel they screwed up, which I think they have an amazing reason why you didn't get into your top choice.</p>
<p>Just2Fitz- Again, I think you're missing my point. My SATs aren't good by McCombs standards and if they don't want to admit me that's their prerogative and I'm not going to call and bug them to appeal it.</p>
<p>Let me restate AGAIN that my issue is that a university that has to turn so many applicants away is essentially wasting perfectly good spots in their class by giving them to people who indicated no interest in the major to which they were accepted.</p>
<p>ha, yet you've indicated interest in the school, and I think they met your interest even though you're probably not as interested as your friend.</p>
<p>amazon - everybody gets a second choice major. you didn't pick one. I think it's very cool of UT and many other schools to offer its applicants a second chance. if you don't want the spot in CAS, hurry up and tell UT so they can maybe let someone else in that wants to attend. </p>
<p>If your SAT/ACT sucks and you are OOS, I see absolutely no reason for you to feel entitled to McCombs. UT is already known as one of the most difficult top publics to gain admission to for OOS applicants and McCombs is the most competitive school at UT. UT takes most of its applicants from Texas and only the very best get into schools like McCombs/engineering OOS. That's just how it is. o_O</p>
<p>So if it's not your prerogative to bug McCombs about it what makes you think we want to hear it? I suggest you quit whining. There are people who would die to get into UT, several of whom I know. Worse yet, there are people who wish they could afford the chance to get a higher education period. There are problems far bigger than venting about that one person who couldn't get into the major because they gave you the spot, which is just thinly-veiled frustration at not being accepted into McCombs. Now quit it; students all over the country go through this same process when they don't get into a school, many of which are even harder to get into than McCombs.</p>
<p>you've said multiple times that others are missing the point of your post. so what is it? would you rather ut have rejected you flat-out, instead of offering you an alternative means of attending UT through the COLA? think about it from the admission officers' perspective. they don't know who you are, aside from the information in your application. they see that you didn't indicate a second choice major, and likely gave you the benefit of the doubt, perhaps thinking that you were in a rush and forgot to choose one. instead of rejecting you for this apparent mistake, they gave you a chance to attend UT anyway, with the hope of transferring into mccombs your second year. how in the world are they supposed to know that you're fixated on studying business and business only? anyone else would see it as the UT admissions office doing you a favor by not rejecting you directly. </p>
<p>since you are obviously blaming UT for their system of deferring applicants to their second choice school instead of rejecting them, while thinking yourself to be noble or considerate by saying "i'd be taking up a space better given to someone else," then please don't attend UT, if all you're going to do there is vent to the liberal arts students about how you're there taking up the spot of someone who really wanted to go to UT. what's the point in that?</p>
<p>seriously, i'm sorry if this comes off as harsh, but you should really give some thought to this situation from a perspective other than your own, and stop trying to placate yourself on a message board.</p>
<p>I believe that McCombs accepts about 25% of their class in their second year. They probably wanted to give you that second chance to get into their program. Being form Texas, we can tell you that there are many highly qualified candidates that didn't get in at all or were at best capped.</p>