<p>I know this is childish, but a person I know claims he got in to UT (non top10, non fine arts).</p>
<p>Can anybody please quote the exact on the Status Check once you get in?</p>
<p>For mine, it says..
"We've received all the items that are required to review and process your application. The Admissions Committee is currently reviewing your application for admission. Once we reach a decision, you'll be notified by mail and your decision will be posted on this page."</p>
<p>What does fine arts have to do with admission? Is it easier to get into?
And yeah, a lot of non top ten, non fine arts people have been accepted already.</p>
<p>Yeah fine arts is easier to get into than things like architecture, engineering and business.</p>
<p>Realllllyyyy TexasStar? I’ve heard no one…
I thought everyone was finding out soon - accepted and rejected.
Orrrr am I really just waiting for a rejection? AHHH!!!</p>
<p>JRo - mine says that still exactly. They haven’t posted my decision yet</p>
<p>once you are accepted, your status should say (for example): “Congratulations! You have been admitted to your first-choice major in the Cockrell School Of Engineering ( Biomedical Engineering ) at UT Austin. Discover what to do next to begin your Longhorn experience.”</p>
<p>but it’s certainly possible for someone outside of top 10% be admitted to business or engineering.</p>
<p>Yes, there are non-top 10% applicants that have been accepted. I have heard of Social Work, Fine Arts and Communications from my child’s school thus far.</p>
<p>question: does anyone know what the chances are for non top 10% to get in liberal arts or natural sciences? is it competitive or anything? I’ll just fill in my other stats to be more specific…</p>
<p>i have had really good grades for all four years (all A’s and B’s),
99/671 (6th semester)
103 GPA
go to great Texas high school,
1830 SAT not that great…
I am taking 6 AP classes this year,
good essays (this is one of my strengths)
i’m a minority and in NHS
involved in sports, Student council, extracurriculars, taught Sunday school all four years of high school and have gotten District, State and National awards…</p>
<p>This has gotten me so anxious!!! I just want to know if i’m accepted or not already. :/</p>
<p>“Congratulations! You have been admitted to the XXXX School (Freshman) at UT Austin. Learn more about your admission and find out what to do next to begin your Longhorn experience.”</p>
<p>Then, it goes on to talk about . . .
“Our records indicate that we have not received your $200 enrollment deposit…”</p>
<p>Congratulations! You have been admitted to your first-choice major in the College Of Liberal Arts ( Government ) at UT Austin. Discover what to do next to begin your Longhorn experience.</p>