Who's going to prefrosh weekend?

<p>Oh heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeells yes ;)</p>

<p>I know Caltech, Columbia, and Princeton are all the same weekend.</p>

<p>Fortunately, the overlap is kind of minimal for us with those schools... it would be much worse if we were the same weekend as Harvard or MIT or Stanford, because our pools intersect much more.</p>

<p>I was planning on going, but looks like plane tickets are all pretty expensive right now and free tickets from mileage aren't available.</p>

<p>Um, Caltech's does overlap with Stanford's.</p>

<p>Oh. Nevermind then. That was silly. But probably couldn't be avoided.</p>

<p>Do prefrosh weekend attendees hear from their host before arriving on campus? And/or from the admissions office?</p>

<p>i'm definitely going to the prefrosh weekend. i hope to meet all of you guys there!</p>

<p>PFW is less than a week away now :D</p>

<p>I'll see you all tomorrow :)</p>
