why are my PSAT scores so much lower than my SAT scores?

<p>So I've taken about 5 SAT BlueBook tests and I never fail to score lower than at least a 670 on each subject. (Haven't had scores lower than a 2000 yet) I took a timed and proctored practice PSAT at a local and respected college prep center and got a 184. Frustrated like no else. I felt focused during the test and was confident that I would get at least a 200, but I ended up doing pretty miserable. I did absolutely awful on the writing (58) when I usually score atleast in the 700+... I guess this isn't too bad since I'm a sophomore, I'm just really surprised and confused. I just don't get it. Isn't the SAT the harder test? MY parent's are pretty pissed lol</p>

<p>Any suggestions? </p>

<p>Happened with me. I couldn’t get above ~185 on the PSAT (practice and administered tests), but wound up getting a 2200 on the SAT. </p>

<p>@Violet1996 Such doge. Much Sat score. so wow</p>

<p>Happened to me too. 211 and 2330. If I had scored that high on the PSAT, maybe I’d have had a shot at National Merit!</p>