Why Arizona?

<p>hahaha-- dudedad, i think my S has TWO classes in that lecture hall! But that's what those general ed ones are like, I guess.</p>

<p>Yeah luck of the draw I guess. My D, now a Junior, has been pretty fortunate with class sizes.</p>

<p>My daughter went to school in San Diego and transferred to the U of A. She loves the casual atmosphere and the friendliness of students. She is in the honors college and has had great research opportunities. She has a mixture of large and small classes and loves the choice she has. Her scool in CA was smaller and there were limited classes. She loved the city of San Diego but is happier with her school experience here and her social life.</p>

<p>im a current freshman here. nm finalist, but not the typical finalist in my opinion. if anyone has any questions regarding my experience or wants to visit and meet up and talk to me, IM me. I am both in 250 person lectures and 15 person smaller honors classes, so I know what both are like.</p>

<p>Can you tell me where your son lived I am also from the san francisco bay area</p>

<p>Does anyone know whether the standards for admission differ for out-of-state students?</p>

<p>Any comments on engineering? I hope to be a nmf and the rankings look pretty good. I would hope for the honors program, not much into parties, and possibly join the pep band. Thanks</p>

<p>Sylvia, if you look at the website, the engineering dept. offers an additional stipend to National Merits, I believe it's something like $1000/year. They also offer a faculty mentorship, if I remember right. Search 'national merit scholarship' on the UA's main page and it will be one of the first results.</p>

<p>Besides the 1K/yr scholarship, the same web page also describes the Thomas R. Brown Distinguished Scholarship, which is an additional 4K.</p>