Why Arizona?

<p>Hey guys, I was wondering why you are considering or attending the Universiyt of Arizona. What are some of the great things about it? A couple of people have mentioned it to me lately and i’m interested. (It’s pretty far away too…Im from NY)</p>

<p>Great sciences, GREAT BBALL :)</p>

<p>It's not as hot there as ASU.</p>


<p>I thought the UA was a pretty nice school with alot of good friendly people. You have to get used to the environment though, that was the deal breaker for my D. Do you like cactus? They outnumber trees about 100 to 1. </p>

<p>The campus is nice, foodservice around campus is nice. It is very senic around the area. It just might be tough to spend four years without seasons. If they had a few more evergreens and a few cooler days, my D might have gone there. </p>

<p>(side: they are getting their first snowstorm 3-9" today in the forecast)</p>

<p>Two words: Shorts and flip-flops...</p>

<p>Though I'm not an actual student at the U of A, I do live in Tucson, AZ, and frequently go to the university area as there is always stuff to do there.</p>

<p>The campus is vast and pleasant, but be prepared to walk quite a bit from building to building, depending on the classes you take. In terms of weather, Tucson usually gets a little cooler in October, dropping from the 90s to the 80s and 70s. In November, it hovers around in the 70s and 60s area. From December to mid February, it's around the 50s and 60s. Basically, winter time can be cold, especially in the evenings and mornings, with temperatures dropping to the 20s on especially cold days. It's not necessarily cloudy or rainy, it's just sunny and windy.</p>

<p>But expect it to be sunny, with few clouds in the sky, about 320 days of the year, lol. Tucson can fluctuate in temperature, but weather conditions are pretty consistent, except in late summer when we get the stormy monsoon season. When its cold here, you DO want to wear sweatshirts and jeans, and for everything else, jeans and a shirt or shorts and a shirt. </p>

<p>I personally do not like the lack of seasonal/weather change in Tucson, AZ, thats why I want to go to college elsewhere, but U of A is a decent enough school, WITH TONS TO DO!</p>

<p>Onilawliet so you say that there is alot to do at the U of A!?!? So How are the parties???</p>

<p>Remember, I'm not a student there (I'm a junior in high school) but I've had friends from my school who are older than me attend, and from what I hear, U of A can be a major party school. Though ASU holds the reputation for biggest party school, some of that rubs off on to the U of A. You will never have to look too hard for a party, but U of A can also be an academic powerhouse. One can adapt to U of A however they want to, be it they want to party or study. </p>

<p>Long story short, the parties are frequent, and tremendous in scale and excitement, but there is also a study scene; U of A can have difficult academics too.</p>

<p>Btw, U of A is in the heart of downtown Tucson; lots of concerts, events, shops, restaurants, etc. Within a 20 minute drive there are malls, movie theaters, etc.</p>

<p>Sorry one more question onilawliet when I went and visited U of A I didn't see any tennis courts, do they have any???</p>

<p>Thats an excellent question, one for which I do not have the answer for. U of A is pretty large though, and I havent explored all of it. I havent seen tennis courts, but it wouldnt surprise me if they did. Actually, I think I was reading in a sports schedule something about tennis...Still, idk.</p>

<p>Even so, there are tennis clubs within 30 minute drives of the campus.</p>

<p>Yes, there is a tennis center on the south side of campus, along University Ave. And more tennis courts on the SE side, along Campbell.</p>

<p>I'm also from NY and heavily considering UA(pending acceptance) I'm interested in going there beacause I need to get out of Ny. I want a big state school as well, and I just need a place to give me a chance because I underachieved badly in hs. And I think UA is a great school to start over at.</p>

<p>The Basketball and sun year round is also a factor.</p>

<p>I am heavily considering the U of A and will visit at the end of October. Anyone have anything else good or bad to say about it?</p>

<p>bring some sunblock!:)</p>

<p>I think you could have a great time there and get a good education. good luck.</p>

<p>My S is a freshman there, and so far is loving it. The dorms are fine, the food is good, the girls are beautiful, the students are friendly, and the classes are interesting. Even thought the football team isn't doing very well, the students are full of spirit. He's even enjoyed the monsoons-- pretty different than storms here in CA. Some of his classes are huge (500+), but he has an English class of about 25 students. He could have gone to a UC, but is very happy with his choice of U of A so far.</p>

<p>I'm not too worried about large classes because I'll be coming in with extensive AP credit (all but one of the general education classes) and I will hopefully be a NM Finalist, so Honors classes will be available to me. I am really looking forward to my visit; I like what I've seen so far and I'm just hoping to confirm my impressions.</p>

<p>Last year the Honors College picked up the tab for a visit to U of A in Jan, Feb, or March (including airfare). Students were able to stay in the dorms with "Shadowcats" (current honors students), sat in on classes, had dinner with professors in their field of interest, etc. There was also a program for parents. National Merit Semifinalists, Natl Hispanic Scholars, and Natl Achievement Scholars all qualified for this visit. It was a great visit, and spending 3 days there convinced my son it was the place for him. A number of other visitors from his session in January also have ended up there-- one of them is now his roommate.</p>

<p>mrhaze144, visit the U of A website. They do have an all expense paid visit for NMF early next year.</p>

<p>Here is a link to any questions you might have about the Honors College at U of A: <a href="http://www.honors.arizona.edu/ProspectiveStudents/index.htm%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.honors.arizona.edu/ProspectiveStudents/index.htm&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>U of A touts the social science lecture hall as the only classroom with 500 students. Everything else is smaller...</p>