Why brown trouble!

<p>i live in CA and i am interested in brown. i feel that any why brown answer that i have is going to be extremely boring and completely uncreative. any ideas to help? i feel i have limited knowledge about brown (other than its academic stuff and website info) and am looking for a way to avoid “i dont have to take calculus 29582935 cause you wont make me!!”</p>

<p>Yea that one was my only bland essay. Everything other essay and short answer of mine was creative/funny/unique, I can’t see any way to do that for “why brown”</p>

<p>yeah i guess im going to be in the same situation. i guess/hope the other essays will compensate</p>

<p>Colleges want to know why you are applying. If it’s just to apply, then they might not be so interested in you, either. Brown is a hard place to be. It’s intense, it’s powerful, it’s very demanding. It’s also fabulous, of course. If you can’t get a handle on yourself at this point in your life, and indicate what parts of Brown’s uniqueness (word?) appeal to you, then Brown has a right to question why you want to spend so much money, effort, and time there. Figure out why you want to go there, if you really do, and communicate that fact to the committee. That’s probably a good idea for any school you apply to.</p>

<p>Start doing some serious research. Dig deep into the Brown website – look at the departmental websites, see what type of research is being done in your interest areas, find courses that look compelling. Many professors have web pages that list their research, books written, etc. You can even find some professors’ lectures on video, online.</p>

<p>The Brown Daily Herald is online, archived. Read a bunch of issues – what excites you about Brown? What are students doing and saying, what are professors doing, that makes you want to go there.</p>

<p>You could even read the alumni magazine online, see what alums are doing.</p>

<p>I totally agree with franglish. If you can’t write an exciting, compelling statement about why you want to go to Brown, or to any college for that matter, then you need to reconsider why you are applying there. Is it only because it’s an Ivy and has a prestigious name? When Brown says that a student’s interest level is very important in the admissions process, it is this essay that establishes that level.</p>