Why do kids at VA Tech think they are better then kids at JMU

<p>Why do kids at VA Tech think they are better then kids that go to JMU. on this board i saw that someone said the VA Tech had a better business school then JMU. I hate to said it but jmu was ranked 34th in the natoin while tech was 59th. I think it because kids that go to tech think they are as good as kids that go to uva. well your not! Yes you have a good engineering school but it shouldn’t be so high on the rankings as well as your architecture school. Tech is a factory they doesn't care about students just the money that comes along with being a big school. I would hate to say that I go to Va tech the FORTH or Fifth best school in Virginia 1. University of Virginia 2. William and Mary 3. University of Richmond 4. maybe VA Tech maybe JMU. Yes you are on the same level as JMU so get of your high horse and start picking up its **** because thats the only thing kids from tech amount to.The world needs ditch diggers!!</p>

<p>The fact of the matter is despite me for running my own company, I have landed upper echelon engineering co-ops just because I attended VT. Most VT Engineers and Architecture students were accepted to UVA...but because VT unequivocally is a better school for both, they elected to go to VT. Im sure the majority of business majors at VT also applied to UVA...and either they didnt get into UVA and decided to come to Tech, or they were accepted and genuinely liked VT more. I didnt apply to UVA and honestly, because im out of state, it would have been tough for me to be accepted. But I promise that I truly believe that if I went to UVA I wouldnt have gotten such great internship/co-op offers. Where I worked, (top 50 out of fortune 500 company) Georgia Tech and Virginia Tech grads held the highest positions--while UVA and NC State grads were kinda looked at with the same stigma of incompetence. Get off your high horse...yes, UVA is a great school...VT is too. From my studies at VT, I have started my own company...netting a little 70k my first year--not bad for a sophmore in college. Oh yeah and I was making about $22/hr during my internship. I am absolutely positive that my VT degree will take me very very far in life. When it boils down to it...VT is a well recognized school. VT has better programs than UVA and JMU in:
-Vetrinary Medicine
-Business(VT better than JMU..lets be real here)</p>

<p>UVA and JMU are better than VT in:
-Liberal Arts
-Better grad schools for Law, Business and Medicine (UVA)
-Performing Arts
-Business(UVA stronger than VT)</p>

<p>No that’s not what I was trying to get at. You have to be smart to get into Tech there no question about it. The thing I was getting at was why is their no respect for JMU its not like Radford or VCU. Why do people at Tech think they are so much better then people at JMU. Yes you have a great football team and JMU doesn’t. JMU doesn’t have classes with 100 plus students. And that’s crap that Tech has a better business school it had a top 30 ranking in 2002 and every year since it has fallen back further and further while JMU at half the size has moved up each year all the way up to a 35. I know kids from Pamplin places well with fortune 500 companies but that’s because when you go to such a big school the alum is crazy. Pamplin isn’t know for being a hard school I know on the website the say they are ranked 34th but it you look at the ranking now its not its something like 59th which is still better then most places but not 34th. </p>

<p>By the way I make 120,000 a year in salary and my bonus last year was 7.6 million not bad for my second year on Wall Street. That’s what you make coming out of a real school</p>

<p>Are you happy?</p>

<p>UVAgrad- Thats a great story. Do you sell Amway or Mary Kay? I made my fortune through a Nigerian internet currency trading venture.</p>

<p>I have no idea why you think people at Tech have no respect for JMU.....I havent experienced that perspective and Ive been here for a while. And Tech's business school is better than JMU's. peroid. I dont care what rankings say...ultimately...Virginia Tech business students get a lot better jobs than JMU students do--thats what matters most. Btw, if youve already graduated and do not have a child that is soon to be attending college...why are you still lurking College Confidential?</p>

<p>Thank you VT Eng. I wondered the same thing. Did OP attend UVA or JM? I assumed UVA by his screen name. Why would you care what anyone thinks if you are out of school and doing so well??
Back when I went to school, there was a lot of rivalry between schools in the same state. I don't think this is what the OP was talking about though. I don't think most students who attend any college think they were better than anyone else and it is great to have such pride in your school. Those of you living in VA are so lucky to have several great public universities to attend. We visited both JMU and VT and I will say at both schools the students were very friendly, helpful and seemed to love their school.</p>

<p><a href="http://youtube.com/watch?v=UJlAs-qmq-E%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://youtube.com/watch?v=UJlAs-qmq-E&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>"A UVA education [...] is a prerequisite to a lifetime of pompousness and ****"</p>

<p>lmao I wonder who gave him that idea. Certainly not people like UVAgrad11</p>

<p>UVAgrad11 -- your grammar and spelling are so poor, I would doubt that you actually were accepted at UVA. Based on your posts, I cannot imagine how you could have produced SAT scores or written an essay that would qualify you for admission.</p>

<p>VTEngineer - you have to be kidding. VT stronger than UVA in business? rofl.</p>

<p>edit: the OP is clearly flame. Don't take the bait, lol.</p>

<p>read a lil closer Fagalier i mean cavalier...VTEngineering said vt was better than JMU in business</p>

<p>by your name you graduated from UVA....made 7.6 mil in bonuses on wall street, yet have time to post on CC on the VT thread about JMU?</p>

<p>JMU is a good school, just not the same caliber at VT in most technical fields. Their business school is growing and gaining national recognition. Better than Tech's? Maybe. But the name Virginia Tech carries more prestige in most circles, regardless.</p>

<p>uva biomedical engineering is better than VT biomed engineering...just saying.</p>

<p>WOW!! I’m in 8th grade, my older step brother goes to Tech and is always telling me how great it is and how it’s as good as UVA and so much better then JMU. He's just mad because he didn’t get into UVA or JMU. He had a 3.1 and really bad SATs. UVA and JMU both said no but somehow he got into Tech and that’s because it’s a factory, it just pumps kids through. Yes Tech is going to have really smart kids but it’s the kids like my step brother who kill the schools reputation. My step brother and he's friends are like the kid in the UVArant on Youtube, a total a$$hole. </p>

<p>So Sorry I lied and said I went to uva and make all this money I dont even like uva i just hate my step brother. But kid who go to tech still need to get off there high horse!</p>

<p>what a surprise...</p>

<p>JMU's admissions process is a little weird, considering some students get into UVA or GWU and get denied from JMU(I know a few kids from my school). So it is not a big surprise to see someone get rejected from JMU and get into VT.(I've heard they do try to keep their student body more female so your stepbrother may have been hurt by it.)</p>

<p>But having a mean stepbrother does not give you the right to generalize the student body of VT and label them all as "kids on 'their' high horse's". I hope you have a nice high school career and can someday get into a school like the caliber of VT (jus kiddin you). But really, stop with the VT bashin OK.</p>

<p>Peace out homie.</p>

<p>Applauding UVAgrad11. In 8th grade, you have already deciphered MANY of the attitudes of one college versus another. Truly, anyone bashing one school only to increase the appeal of their own, is wrong. Proudly toot your own horn, but leave the slander of other schools out of the equation!</p>

<p>And at least you're playing around on a college website, instead of WOW or something. Visit many threads....you may learn a few more things!</p>