why do people freak out when they see stats on this forum?

<p>i think people shouldn't freak out when they look at stats on this forum. the most you see on here is just about 50-100, maybe more, but thats from the thousands that get accepted =/.... less than 5%?</p>

<p>wait who freaks out???</p>

<p>It’s irrational to freak out over stats or “chance me” responses. Everyone should just chill out and wait until the official decision, then feel free to runamuck :p</p>

<p>i agree… and i wont lie, i freak out too… but on my freak out routine, while i was lookin up stats from last year on the ucla website, i realize this forum is just like less than 5% of actual stats :P</p>

<p>im gona breathe noww</p>

<p>also most ppl who are on this forum prob care a lot about their grades and therfore represent the higher percentage of gpas.</p>

<p>exactly… relax people. decisions will come as they come. just coz a bunch of people got in n u didnt hear yet, doesnt mean ur rejected.</p>

<p>op, are you serious?
we’re getting a look at the competition, and the competition looks good. i’m not sure what you mean by ‘freak out’, but i don’t think feeling intimidation is such a mysterious response. </p>

<p>the real question should be: why do people with 4.0s create ‘chance me’ threads?</p>

<p>because they want their egos stroked.</p>

<p>i’ll bet they all have Facebook, too.
self-indulgent scum…</p>

<p>What are up with these 3 responses above me?</p>

<p>pinkerfloyd…what is wrong w/ having a facebook account? I have found facebook to be extremely useful especially for class projects and communicating w/ classmates… i understand the irritation w/ self indulgent people, but not everyone who has facebook is like that. Actually I have yet to meet a classmate in any of my classes that does not have a facebook account… ok that’s my little 2 cents for the day… =)</p>

<p>i was teasing freshy.
didn’t mean it seriously.</p>