Why do so many people rag on UCR?

<p>I don't really understand why everyone considers University of California Riverside a "bad" school... can someone explain why UCR has received the garbage reputation amongst to schools in the UC system... thanks for your help</p>

<p>Because the people here think anything less than #1 is crap? I wouldn't take it to heart.</p>

<p>cause i heard it stands for university of california retarded. thats so mean</p>

<p>It is considered the 8th best UC and also, you can get in with minimum requirements, so it can be considered "bad."
However, UCR has gone up recently in rankings, so that's good.</p>

<p>Because the school tends to attract "Raiderfans4eva"...;) j/k</p>

<p>It's definitely up and coming, but since it's one of the newer UCs and is less selective it's seen as "bad".</p>

<p>To put some perspective on this though, USNWR ranks UCR #89 - tied with Iowa State, Drexel, University of Denver, Kansas, Nebraska, and Vermont. There are over 4,000 4-year colleges in the US. Being #89 puts UCR in the top 2%...by that measure, UCR is great.</p>

<p>because it's being compared to its brothers and sisters(the other uc's) before it is compared to other schools on its own merits.</p>

<p>Im a junior in LA and I'm still not sure of what university want to go but I have heard some comments about UCR being a bad university with low ranking in the country. Still, I found the campus enjoyable when I went and I would like to apply...
Whats the difference with it brother universities?</p>

<p>Some students choose Riverside over other UCs because they feel the campus is more supportive. Here's an LA Times article where a black student, accepted to a number of schools including Cal, chose Riverside. </p>

<p>Diversity</a> works at UC Riverside - Los Angeles Times</p>

<p>A UCR Student would write, as in post #7 above: "Im a junior in LA and I'm still not sure of what university * want to go but I have...."</p>

<p>A UC student from any of the other seven (except Merced) would write: "I'm a junior in LA still not sure about which university to attend. I have..."</p>

<p>There is a world of difference between those two choices of syntax and punctuation.</p>

<p>On a more serious note -- </p>

<p>UCR admissions stats (2007 freshmen) show a 25/75 ave. SAT CR/Math of 1040. That figure ought to stick out like a pair of brown shoes worn with a tuxedo.</p>

<p>UCB: 1325
UCLA: 1295
UCSD: 1250
UCI: 1185
UCSB: 1170
UCD: 1155
UCSC: 1145</p>

<p>---------------- 105 point drop</p>

<p>UCR: 1040</p>

Cal Poly SLO 1185
San Diego St. 1050
Long Beach St. 1015
Cal St. Sonoma: 1005</p>

<p>Students at UCR are closer in stats with those of Sonoma St. than they are with any other UC. I do believe that gap will close over time, but not in the near term.</p>

<p>Let's see, Berkeley, Westwood, LaJolla, Goleta or Riverside. Case closed.</p>

<p>Going to college at all is impressive IN THIS ECONOMY.</p>

<p>US news rankings is also calling UCR “up and coming”.
Can someone also go in depth on why that is? and what improvements UCR plans on making?
basically can someone merit USNWR’s claim?</p>

<p>For premed wannabes, UCR is an excellent option since it’ll be much easier to earn A’s there than at Cal or UCLA. [Think about the calc curve with a bunch of kids who scored 500+ on SAT math vs. 750 at Cal.] Also, UCR is in process of adding a med school.</p>

<p>The same reason people rag on any school that is not “elite.” Elitism. Ignore them.</p>

<p>because we live in a world where prestige and elitism is the *****
i’ve been to ucr numerous times and have met some of the most amazing people there… besides the horrid weather…ucr is awesome… it’s a newly established school and can’t possibly be compared to the older ones like cal but it’s getting there… isn’t it already internationally ranked?
honestly… most schools teach the same stuff if you’re gonna be general…it’s what you make of your education:]</p>

<p>It’s a good school and simply having the “University of California” name will get you far, but people here think that you need to go to a “top school” to get a good education, which isn’t true at all. UCR is a good school, but it isn’t a “top” school.</p>

<p>UC Riverside is one of the top schools in the country # 89 overall. Unfortunately, students and parents in CA are very spoiled by some outstanding schools and do not realize all of the gems that they have outside of Cal, UCLA, Pomona and Stanford.</p>

<p>Secondly, comments with a subtle tinge of racism like DunninLA’s do not help at all. (That comment on grammar was uncalled for and bigoted) UCR happens to be one of the most diverse campuses in the nation and in spite of some people’s reliance on SAT scores, the students there are as analytical as any I encountered on the top flight UC’s. Unfortunately, many lacked ample preparation or mommy and daddy were unable to fund a test prep course to help with SAT scores.</p>

<p>If you enjoyed your time at UCR then by all means you should apply and attend. I know many UCR grads who have gone on to top level grad schools including UCLA medical school for example. I also know of many of their Ph.D. grads who have gone on to teach at institutions like Wisconsin, UIUC and Northwestern. So do not listen to the naysayers. UCR is a great place, even if sometimes their own students don’t realize it.</p>

<p>vociferous – I don’t know why you forced racism into a discussion completely free of it, my comments included. Since when is proper grammar a question of race? Like the ink blot psych testing, <em>your</em> biases have been revealed.</p>

<p>As to your non-racism comments, I agree with them. The school is higher ranked than half of the Pac-10 Conference: Arizona, Arizona St., Oregon, Oregon St, Washington St., and currently higher than stablemate UC Santa Cruz…(I don’t get that one, but there you have it.).</p>

<p>The truth is most people living in SoCal think Riverside is about as nice as Barstow, Blythe or King City.</p>

<p>bluebayou – I agree with your pre-med comment at UCR.</p>