Why "I'll Chance Back" is Nonsensical

I don’t understand why prospies continue to put “I’ll chance back” in their titles and why people seem to post more frequently in these posts. The fact of the matter is, if the applicant were knowledgeable enough to offer “chances” to another individual on this forum, why is he or she making a post asking other people for his or her chance at universities x, y and z?

Even more so, I hope many of you realize that the frequent posters on “chance” threads tend to give the same response almost every time for a particular school. Many entering freshmen think it’s odd when they see the following:
Harvard - Reach
Yale - Reach
Princeton - Reach
Stanford - Reach
MIT - Reach

But, the reality is, unless you’re Malia Obama, it’s probably a reach for you! But that’s okay! Just don’t say you’re going to chance other prospective freshmen if a) you don’t know how to actually give chances or b) you’re going to regurgitate what you’ve seen reading through dozens of other threads. It’s frankly asinine. If you’re going to ask for chances, ask for your chances but don’t create this deleterious circle jerk of a dozen freshmen chancing each other.

The adults here agree-- it’s been a topic of conversation forever.

The kids continue to grasp at straws.

It’s the Circle of Life, CC style.