<p>Why should a prospective Michigan student choose Michigan over, say, MSU or any other college? There are a lot of good cases that can be made for both MSU and Michigan (or any other school for that matter) regarding this topic, but I am curious to know what people in this forum think. So let's hear it current UM students, alumni, anybody who has something to share about why U of M is the place to spend your undergraduate years.</p>
<p>gee, this question seems a lot like what they asked on the mich essay</p>
<p>Gee, I think the essay asks what you can bring to the UMich community...</p>
<p>gee, why not come here? football is doing sweet, and academics is ranked in top 25. ann arbor has everything you need.</p>
<p>For me its a top ranked business program at an instate price. Can't beat that.</p>
<p>I think this pretty much sums it up for you!</p>
<p>Hehe! Gotta love Michigan baby! Looks like Gary Solon. If so, the guy hasn't lost his touch. He was an awesome instructor back in my days (1992-1996).</p>
<p>one thing i DON'T like about michigan..</p>
<p>when people find out what school i go to, the first thing they mention is FOOTBALL. it's like our reputation is only well-known because of our football program -_- that's gay.</p>
<p>In the US, that is true, but Michigan isn't alone. Duke is more known for Basketball than academics too. In both cases, it is the perfect occasion to educate the person. When somebody I meet reacts that way, I usually just say that no matter how great Michigan football is, Michigan academics are better! </p>
<p>Internationally, Michigan is known for its academic excellence.</p>
<p>Lots of schools can credit their academic excellence to being good at athletics in the past.</p>
<p>Michigan isn't one of those schools though. Michigan has been considered one of the top Universities in the World since the mid 19th century (by 1870, Michigan was widely considered to be one of the top 5 universities in the US)and did not become an athletic powerhouse until the early 20th century (Yost's 1900-1905 seasons, otherwise known as the point-a-minute teams, are what established Michigan has a football powerhouse).</p>
<p>thanks for that video moose. I'm not sure if that video should make me really want to go there or not. haha jk, that was great</p>
<p>Networking possibilities, Football reputation, Solid rankings, You get turned down by UC Berkeley</p>
<p>hahaha ^ lmao about the uc berkeley thing ahhah</p>
<p>Lol yeah, I actually chose Michigan over Cal because they gave me more money. It's my first year at UM and I already despise the weather. Go figure -_-</p>
<p>I love it here. I wouldn't go anywhere else. I'd say I had the easiest time adjusting to and falling in love with college than any of my friends from high school. It's a very flexible, self-motivated environment, socially, academically, and so on. You can make your experience here exactly like you want.</p>
<p>Azure, this fall has been utterly obnoxious, weather-wise. Too much rain, a little early snow to annoy us all--it's been hard to like autumn in MI this year.</p>
<p>Anyway, back to the OP. I think Michigan offers a nice mix of things--you get school spirit in spades, but people also come here for legitimate academic reasons (not just to party). The reputation of the place will serve you well throughout your life.</p>
<p>Just curious Christine123, how many credits are you taking?</p>
<p>i would've chosen cal over michigan..</p>