Why'd you pick UM?

<p>I'm just curious as to what other people's reasons are for choosing to come here :)</p>


<p>So where did you end up deciding to go?</p>

<p>Sadly I’m still deciding. On May 1st, I put a deposit on Miami, but had serious regrets almost immediately so i ended up putting a deposit on Northwestern as well. Then May 15th came around (the housing deadline for Miami) and I never sent anything, so resigned myself to the fact that I was going to NU. Again, I had serious regrets and called the housing office at miami and they said as long as I get the deposit in within the next few weeks I’d be fine. I’d even still be able to room with another foote fellow if I wanted. So my next deadline is the 25th, which is the housing deadline for NU and I have a feeling they won’t be quite as lenient as miami, although I haven’t called to talk with them yet. I’m not sure why I do this to myself. I guess I just have massive commitment/decision issues.</p>

<p>As far as my actual decision, it still comes down to basically the same thing. How badly do I want the prestige of NU? Part of me feels like I’d be throwing away my years of hard work if I go to Miami while at NU I’d have the satisfaction of completing my lifelong goal of attending an elite university. Plus it’s close to home which means comfort and convenience. At the same time, Miami is offering so many opportunities: the gen ed exemption, honors program, more majors, incredible flexibility, the chance to experience a different culture and climate, and the option of study abroad (at NU we wouldn’t be able to afford it after 4 yrs of tuition). And logically I know that which school I go to won’t make much of a difference in grad school/job options later, but a large part of me thinks that I could never be as proud about going to Miami as I would about going to NU.</p>

<p>Sorry. That response was much longer than I intended, but as you can see, I’m still very torn up about this whole thing.</p>


<p>“Prestige” is an intangible, something out there, but not able to be grasped. It is also dependent upon region. Yes, Northwestern is known nationally, but so is Miami. I have lived on the East Coast, out West, down South and now in the Midwest…each area has its “IT” school, from Harvard to UC Berkley to Vandy. In the Midwest, I also hear Michigan and University of Chicago as what people say is the “IT” school. Funny, many of the people saying these things don’t go or have never gone to any of those places. You are the one who will have to go through the good and bad at wherever you choose, not the people whose opinion you solicit or who give it to you freely (including yours truly).</p>

<p>I don’t exactly identify Miami as a “settled for school” like some regional state university established in 1991. If you go by USNWR (hardly advocating just that, though) it is top 20% National University, a private school of about 9,800 undergrads. Sure, its admission rate is 10% higher than NU, but that is still a low 37.7%. Party School? At UM, most all are off-campus…Your not “pressured” to participate like some greek-dominated places.</p>

<p>You mentioned studying abroad. Interestingly enough, right as I was getting to write this post, I was interrupted by a phone call…my S calling. Oh, btw he was calling from Australia. He is a Miami sophomore, and a top graduate from his Midwest high school. He received scholarship money on top of his regular scholarship just to go overseas and study at an excellent university “Down-Under” for the semester. I use him as an anecdotal but nevertheless true example. He was admitted to other great schools, with scholarships to boot, but in the end he chose Miami. He continues to excel in his academics, while being afforded unique leadership opportunities while still only an underclassman. If pride is a factor, I know I am proud of him and how well he has done there.</p>

<p>DS will start in the fall with the good fortune (yes, and hard work) of earning a Singer scholarship, Foote and a few other distinctions, like you.</p>

<p>All that is great, but the feeling of being wanted was overwhelming. There were many other good choices, but our son feels that he has a chance of being part of Miami’s climb to an elite school. The administration and faculty impressed us that they are making a very good school great.</p>

<p>If you think that NW can give you the personalized attention on one on one mentoring, the options provided by the Foote program and more, than that will be a great choice. </p>

<p>You are blessed to have two great choices. I our opinion, whatever prestige Miami may lack now, will disappear in the not so distant future.</p>