<p>Please be honest. Will one C+ in junior year 1st semester ruin my chances of getting into a competitive college? I'm not entirely sure what schools i'm interested in, but I was interested in Amherst, for example, but I guess that would be out, now? :(
My 9th and 10th grade grades are around a B-B+ average. This year I have all A/A-'s so far besides one B and this one C+.</p>
<p>Well, it will have its’ downfalls-- but it won’t hurt all too much. If it was something like a C+ in an academic class, then that won’t be too good.</p>
<p>I think it depends on how “competitive” college you are looking at. I don’t think it will work for an Ivy League or similar. I don’t really know much about Amhearst though…
It will mostly depend on you SAT scores and ECs…make sure those are stellar. Also, what class was the grade? If you are going to major in like english and got a C+ in calculus I don’t think it will matter as much (but still matter) than getting a C+ in english. Again, I am only speculating. I hope this helps.</p>
<p>It was in chemistry, and I want to go to med school!
The teacher is bad, and I’ve only had bad science teachers so I was already behind in the class, I should have studied more efficiently but it’s not like I’m bad at science or anything…it has to do more with my study habits and the bad teacher, I’m not making an excuse, I’m just saying…
So, have I completely ruined my chances? Also, the course is an advanced course, it’s not AP, but it’s considered more advanced than just regular high school chemistry.</p>
<p>If I study really hard and get an A in the next semester for this class, will that help me?
sorry for asking so many questions lol, i’m just freaking out. </p>
<p>I have not taking the SAT yet, but I am prepping for it and hopefully will get in the 2000 + range.
I don’t have AP classes because my school doesn’t offer them, but I am taking difficult classes.
My EC’s: playing an instrument for 7 or so years, co running a club, volunteer at a hospital, and stuff in the summer</p>
<p>I received a C+ for my final grade in Honors Chemistry as well. I was planning on pursuing a career in pharmacy, but I’ve since then changed my position on such a field. I was always a biology-oriented individual and I guess chemistry doesn’t fit the bill in where my fate takes me.</p>