Will a uc take a D

In freshmen year 1st semester i got a D in geometry. After that everything was fine, so will a UC still except me?

no a UC will not accept a D as part of A-G requirements. If you’re using geometry as one of these requirements, contact your counselor ASAP to figure out how to make it up

One bad grade won’t kill you. However, it’s important that you maintain a high GPA. Will a UC accept you? I don’t know. What are your stats?

For a CSU, a passing grade in Trig or Pre-calc will validate the D in Geometry but not for a UC (which just started for this application cycle). See link: http://www.calstate.edu/SAS/documents/csu-uc-a-gcomparisonmatrix.pdf

Check with your GC since your application may not be accepted with the D unless you retake the class.