Will good universities maybe not Ivy league but good universities accept me?

<p>As of now I am a sophomore in high school, and on the verge of graduating with the class of 2014 instead of the class of 2015. My reason for graduating early is not wanting to move so much, since my dad is in the military I move constantly. It's hard to have the same friends and would like to graduate in the school I have been in the longest. I have all the requirements and would only need to take two summer school classes to get it done. I was in JV Cheer, I am Sophomore class Officer and plan on running for being Vice President of the school. </p>

<p>Freshman Year I had a 3.4 GPA
My classes were;
Biology A
Honors English B+
World History 1 B
Algebra 2/Trig C
Spanish 1 A</p>

<p>Sophomore Year I have a 3.6
My classes are;
Ap European History B
Honors English 10 A
Chemistry A
Math Analysis/Pre-Calc B
Spanish 3 A</p>

<p>Over the summer of 2013 I plan on taking English 11 and US History, also keyboarding (for my elective). Also, in middle school I took Algebra 1, Geometry, and Earth Science. So in all subjects, besides My foreign language I will have 4 years. </p>

<p>For my Junior year I plan on taking ;
Ap Calculus
Ap English 12
Ap Psychology (because I want to be a Psych major)
Ap US Government
Ap Spanish </p>

<p>I have checked many of the universities and most I meet and/or exceed the requirements, for I will have 4 years in almost every subject. I am also Hispanic and will be the first person in my family to attend a university. My question is, although I am graduating early, which I know does not look so well on ones record, will colleges still look down on me or is my reason to graduate early good enough?</p>

<p>I am interested in attending Pepperdine University, UCLA, Old Dominion Univ., or UCSD.</p>