Will he get in?

<p>my friend and i have a little bet goin on with another friend of ours.</p>

<p>this friend, call him pat, is quiet confident that he will get into UCSB (so sure that thats the only school he applied too). Anyway, my friend also believes that Pat would get in. I don't; hence, the bet.</p>

<p>here is his stats</p>

<p>gpa (weighted) 3.5
sat 1810
e.c. - little to none. maybe a year of csf and 3 years of football
community service - none</p>

<p>am i foolish to be so permistic or am i going to five dollars richer come march 15?</p>

<p>He's no shoo in but it's not exactly Harvard..</p>

<p>3-2 against.</p>


<p>It's a slight reach to a reach, I think. But there have been flukes -- many flukes, especially in the UC system. People seem to underestimate the competitiveness of the UCs (and many top colleges, at that).</p>

<p>if he had just done some community service, I would say he's in.</p>


<p>How could he have done zero hours of community service? Don't all high schools require some amount of community service to graduate?</p>

<p>no. only if you live in CA. i would say he's a reach. have him get out into the world and do stuff</p>