Will I be accepted into University of Alabama?

<p>I’m a junior in high school and live in Tennessee. My dream school is Alabama but I don’t think my grades are good enough to get in. Could someone tell me what are my chances of getting accepted and what I need to work on to improve my chances.</p>

<p>My grades:
3.0 weighted GPA
2.9 unweighted GPA
20 ACT
1470 SAT</p>

<p>You will need to get your ACT to at least a 21, and even then, you might not get admitted. Why don’t you buckle down and take some ACT prep courses to get a better score. With an ACT of 21 or higher, you stand a much better chance of getting admitted, and it will help you to take other tests in the future. Look at it like practice for future tests.</p>

<p>As Atlanta said, just improve your ACT score. This site has a forum for ACT preparation and I recommend you use it to your advantage. The ACT is actually pretty easy if you prepare. Goodluck!</p>

<p>I know OOS students who’ve been accepted with lower GPA and lower ACT than that. The one I know well was accepted into a program (I think it’s called Crimson Edge) which is designed to help incoming freshmen who might not be fully prepared for the rigors of UA. It would be a good idea to re-test and see if you can get your ACT up. Definitely apply, though!</p>

<p>retake your sat and act. for the sat, you only have to practice two sections…math and cr.</p>

<p>your best bet is to apply super early…in july, bama is lenient then. If they need you to retest, they’ll hold your app and wait for new scores.</p>

<p>another concern…have your parents said that they will pay the OOS costs for Bama (about $35k - 43k per year)?</p>

<p>I think its awful risky to assume this student will get admitted given that UA rejected about half of its applicants for last fall. I am sure there are exceptions here and there, but that is a lot of people who do not get admitted. And going forward, it will not get easier to get admitted to UA. In fact, it will likely get harder to gain admission. The campus is busting at the seams with the newly acquired Bryce campus still mostly unavailable for use. UA’s rising prominence gives it the ability and the incentive to be more selective. </p>

<p>I don’t think anyone is assuming this student will be admitted; rather just stating that he has a chance and should apply, and should also try to get his scores up. The students I know who got in with very low stats were accepted in this admission cycle for Fall 2014, BTW.</p>

<p>Were their GPA’s above 3.0? I would imagine that if one has an ACT of 20, but a GPA of 3.25 or higher, UA would be more lax than if the GPA was 3.0 or less. The published minimum standard after all is ACT of 21 and GPA of 3.0. Is it really too much to ask a student to get an ACT of 21 to attend Alabama’s flagship? </p>


<p>You make some good points.</p>

<p>This student has time to retest, and if he finishes strong grade-wise this last semester, maybe his grades will rise.</p>

<p>He should take both the SAT and ACT again…and practice.</p>

<p>That said, I dont know if this student is AA. If so, then it makes some difference because the nat’l avg for the ACT for AA students is 17.</p>

<p>kinda of late(???) but take bunch of practice tests with books from library…that definitely helps. ACT reading is particularly tricky because of time limit</p>

<p>OP’s name is Big Mike, he’s from Tennessee and he needs to increase his academic standing.</p>

<p>Is it just me, or is he Michael Oher from The Blind Side?</p>

<p>^ You need to increase your civility standing.</p>