Will I be accepted?

I know this might be the most annoying or most asked thing in this forum but I just wanted to get some ideas from “Hokies” and some people who can sort of let me know if I am on the right track.

So I am a high school senior and it’s about time to look for a college. I decided to major on Computer Science in college and Virginia Tech seems like a good option to me. However, my GPA and my SAT scores do not give me good confidence on getting accepted. I have 3.79 GPA (weighted) and 1300 SAT score. Including senior year, I have total of 7 AP courses (AP Macroecon, AP Statistics, AP Comp Sci A , AP Physics C, AP Calculus BC, AP Comp. Gov and AP Comp Sci Principles) taken in 10,11 and 12th grade. I am putting my good amount of time in college essay too. Can someone give me extra tips or “feedback” on whether I am in good track or not.


You are in good shape. It’ll probably come down to your math/science grades. Obligatory “are you from northern va?” Engineering is fickle in admissions but you definitely have a shot