Will I Die Junior Year?

<p>This is my schedule for junior year</p>

<p>IB English Language and Literature HL
IB History of the Americas HL
IB Chemistry 2 HL
IB Physics (I believe this is an HL course, but I'm not sure! ^^)
IB Mathematics 2 SL (I'll be taking HL 1 and 2 during senior year)
IB Spanish SL
Advanced Composition 2 (Basically a writing class)
Theory of Knowledge </p>

<p>What do you guys think about my schedule? Any recommendations/tips?
Can someone tell me how hard it will be for me to manage all these classes?
Is doubling up on Chem and Physics a good idea?
How will my homework load be like?
Thank you very much! </p>

<p>Relax! You certainly won’t ‘die’ :stuck_out_tongue: However, your schedule is very hard since you are taking the three HARDEST HL’s available. On top of history HL which in case you didn’t know is very time consuming, extremely heavy on memorisation and is very hard to get a 7 in. English HL is less demanding but still is one of the harder subjects to get a 7 in as marking is subjective/unpredictable. </p>

<p>Why are you take chemistry, physics and maths HL?? It’s definitely unnecessary unless you want to major in something STEM related. In which case, it’d be better to drop English and history to standard level so that you can focus completely on maths, chemistry and physics. But I’ve heard that english and history HL are compulsory at most American IB Schools, so that might be out of the question. I recommend you drop maths to SL since it is perceived to be the hardest HL. That will leave you with HL Chemistry, English, History and Physics which is a very demanding combinatio. Plus, since you are only required to take 3 HL’s: consider dropping one of the sciences too, if it is compulsory to take history/English at higher level. Nonetheless, difficulty is subjective so physics, chemistry and maths may be easier for you so you might not find it to be too challenging. </p>

<p>Doubling up on chemistry and physics is definitely advantageous if you want to go into a STEM related career namely engineering and would like to obtain as much college credit as possible for the sciences. </p>

<p>P.S: You can’t get the diploma with your current subject combination since you’ve exceeded the no. of higher level classes you are allowed to take (no more than 4 are allowed!)</p>

<p>You’re going to take Math SL 2 this year, but take both HL 1 AND 2 Senior year? That doesn’t even make sense. And are you sure you really want to take 4 HLs?</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies!</p>

<p>@pink997‌ History at the HL level is required if you’re doing IB at my school. English HL is highly recommended, even for students who aren’t going to do full IB, because it’s do-able. Hence, I want to do History and English at the HL level. Thank you for the helpful info! I’m glad that you took the time to help me! :)</p>

<p>@Animefan1998‌ Hi! I talked to my counselor, and apparently my schedule works. Uh… I don’t really understand it either (haha). I guess I might drop Physics. But then… what class would I take in place of that?</p>

<p>You don’t have to drop Physics if you don’t want to, but depending on what you’re planning on doing in college, it’d be better to drop either Chem or Physics to HL. 2 HL sciences sounds like instant death to me lol. At my school, Chemistry HL is death and Physics SL is really challenging, too.</p>
