On a scale from 1-10 how hard will this schedule be for my junior year?

IB biology HL 1(I think it’s the same thing as IB bio SL)
IB physics
Spanish 4(Senior year level Spanish)
IB literature SL
IB world history HL 1
C++(college level programming class)

BY THE WAY THEY MAKE IB BIO HL AND IB PHYSICS AT MY SHCOOL REALLY HARD. Its still possible to get an A, but it’s going to be very hard. Also I’m not the smartest student, I just work really hard.

IB Biology HL is going to be really hard. However, you are probably not going to have any problem with IB Physics if you do the work. Spanish 4 is not hard, it is just work-intensive. IB Literature SL heavily depends on your skill and your struggles or lack thereof in other classes, so I cannot give you an accurate rating there; it heavily depends on how you manage yourself psychologically. IB world history HL 1 is time consuming, but not hard. C++ is likely going to be time consuming, but not hard. Judging by your schedule, Calculus will probably be easy for you, but again, time consuming.

Difficulty: 4/10

But I do not envy how much of your life your work is going to be taking up. Good luck finishing it all.

Number one thing I’d suggest you do is ask lots of older students at your school. I’m in the IB diploma and biology is one of the easiest classes I’m taking so you have to know it is different at every school. I do have to say IB physics is tough, usually regarded as one of the hardest IB classes from most schools I disagree greatly with the above comment because biology is not the same amount of stress as physics for anyone I know. Good luck, but definitely ask around and I’m sure if you care enough you can do anything.

Are you preparing the IB diploma? Are the classes with no indication IB SL? College prep? What is “Calculus” (an honors class offered at your class for students who don’t want to take Math SL nor AP Calc?)

Hard. History HL and Bio HL are one of the toughest courses in the IB, I’d suggest against taking them both at once. Especially as you picked programming and calculus as well, they are tough too. And 7 courses… just why? If you want good grades, of course, not just pass and exhaust yourself at the same time. I’m just speaking about the coursework you want to take, different things are easy or difficult for different people.

I’d suggest against history, looking at the rest of your subjects. You seem to be more science focused. Or at least drop to to SL or don’t take the exam.