Will I get rescinded fro UCs?

So I applied to all the UCs this year and I’ve gotten several acceptance letters including UC Irvine and UC Santa Cruz, still waiting for the other school’s decisions to come out. But during my first semester of senior year, I ended up with a D in my Dual Enrollment US History class. That class was THE hardest class provided by my High School and I was struggling very much. Now I have leveled down to regular US History for my second semester and is planning to retake a semester of US History through an online course in order to fulfill the A-G requirements for Social Science. I still got an unweighted GPA of 3.33 and and weighted GPA of 4.0 (With 5 A’s and 1 B with 4 other weighted classes) in my first semester but I am extremely worried that UCs could rescind me for that D alone.
Also, I am attending a U.S. high school but I am originally from China, I came back to China in April 2020 when school was cancelled in the States and I couldn’t return to the US ever since, which means that I have to stay up until 6:30 in the morning in order to attend online classes from Monday through Friday. Living a nocturnal schedule is extremely difficult and I suffered from a lot of health issues because of it. So I don’t know if that can be an explanation for it because it did have a tremendous effect on my academic performance this year.

Hello Albert, I am Master MaBaoguo.
You have to notify the UC that you received a D and explain your situation to them. I believe the time zone stuffs are definitely a challenge, and I think UCs will understand it AS LONG AS YOU TELL THEM EARLY AND GIVE THEM THE REASONS. By the way, congratulations on your UC acceptance!

How do I notify them?

You need to contact each UC as listed on this link: After you apply | UC Admissions

Thank You, I have notified all the campuses about my situation. I just want to know what are my chances of getting my admissions rescinded from UC Irvine? What about the schools that I haven’t got the results yet, will my D have an impact on my admission?

At this late of a date, it will probably not affect your admission chances but you need to make sure all the schools are aware of the D grade because all have provisional admission contracts which state that a D is a reason for having your acceptance rescinded. It will be up to each campus to determine your fate.