Will I get rescinded from UC Berkeley with significant IB grade drop

Hi; I am severely concerned that I will get rescinded from UC Berkeley as I was predicted a 41/42 but ended up getting a 33/45 in the finals :sob: (with 1 4) Will I actually? (Condition says maintain 3.0 gpa and no grade lower than a “C”, though they also indicated you should make sure to perform “equally well or better” in senior year’s work). Please, any information (no matter how harsh) and advice will matter so much to me! Thank you so much!

Calling @Gumbymom

What is/are the reason(s) for the underachievement? You should speak with your HS GC and make a plan for how to handle communications with UCB. You do not want UCB admissions to receive your final transcript without an explanation from you and/or your counselor.

Good luck.

Did UCB indicate the expected IB scores that are required to maintain your admission? Usually any score below 30 and no individual score below 4 would be cause for concern. Although your actual scores are lower than predicted, I believe you should be fine but I would contact UCB admissions to confirm since I do not work admissions and do not set policy. I agree with @Mwfan1921 that you should prepare an explanation just in case.

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