<p>Hey guys just had a question regarding withdrawals. Last spring semester 2 weeks into the semester my family and I were in financial trouble and I withdrew from my classes and picked up 40 hours a week at work. I still have that same job and have since gone back and with the semester ending I have earned about 40 credits. Now with my 40 credits I've managed a 4.0. Not all of those credits will transfer though because about 6 or 7 of them are remedial math courses. Now I really want to go to UNC, Vanderbilt,Virginia,NC State (I'm located in NC.) If I finish another couple semesters with a 4.0 and have 60 credits will I be able to get into any of the above schools even with 4 W's on my transcript? My HS GPA was something like 3.2 or 3.3 weighted and like 2.8 or 2.9 unweighted.</p>
<p>Hey Bengals, </p>
<p>I was in a similar situation: 43 credits with a 3.9 GPA at a community college and 3 W’s and 1 WU. I attached a document that explained my reasons for dropping courses. It didn’t seem to be a big deal, as I was accepted to Emory and other great schools. Your high school transcript is worthless at this point. Colleges are interested in what you’re accomplishing now, and judging by your 4.0, you’ll be just fine. My high school transcript makes yours worthy of Harvard. I dropped out after my second go in tenth grade – and with a 1.9 GPA! However, I returned and obtained my GED, etc, etc. So you see, as I said before, it’s all about progression. Keep it up!</p>
<p>Thanks for the input! Stories like yours inspire me to continue to work hard. I can’t change my HS grades but my hope is the schools will mainly focus on my college work like you said.</p>
<p>As a transfer student, your high school transcript is essentially irrelevant. The only reason you have to even send it in is basically to verify that you did in fact graduate from high school or obtain a GED. I dropped out of high school my sophomore year, and got a GED. Now I’m finishing my first year at a CC approximately 8 years later. High school/GED scores don’t matter. At this point, my GED is the same as basically any transfer student with a high school transcript showing a 4.0. Universities are only going to be concerned about your college performance.</p>
<p>High school grades do matter still, especially if you’re a sophomore transfer, albeit much less than college grades! Most of the top ranked colleges will look at them for transfers, and assign weight however they want. College grades are still way more important. </p>
<p>As for your 4 Ws, do attach an explanation, because it will raise flags if unexplained.</p>