Will my College Acceptance Get Revoked?

Hello! I am going into my senior year of high school and applying to colleges using common app. I have a 3.75 unweighted and a 4.1 weighted and a 26 ACT. I am applying to all Florida schools but especially FAU and UCF (UCF is a reach school for me). If I get a couple C’s for semester grades this year, will colleges revoke my acceptance? I’m very worried about this and I haven’t even sent in my applications yet!

Doubtful so long as you don’t get a D. But you may find up with a D if you’re planning fir Cs so early. Strive fir the B.9

@Likeburrito7161 It depends on the college’s specific admissions policies. For example, the University of California schools will state a specific GPA (like 3.0) after admission that is necessary for your offer to not be revoked. After you are admitted, make sure to follow-up with the school’s admissions office to ask if there is a specific GPA or grades that are required to maintain admission. However, it is very likely for Admissions to be vague, so as @skieurope says, strive for the highest grades possible (failing grades are grounds for your admission to be revoked, unless you have personal circumstances for them.)

Hope this helps! Good luck with admissions!

For UCF, probably not. As long as you are accepted before you have to send in these grades (which should be doable because UCF has rolling admissions iirc), I doubt they will revoke anything. UCF has a min highschool gpa of 2.5, and if you don’t drop below that, I don’t see it being an issue. Still, I’d be careful, especially if you have a downward trend in your transcript.

All colleges and universities require submission of 7th semester grades along with a counselor statement about a change in grades or curriculum. A grade of D or F or 2 C’s will flag the file in some institutions. It may not necessarily cause an acceptance to be rescinded.