Will my sister get rescinded from UC Davis and UC San Diego?

My sister was recently accepted as a transfer to the Molecular & Cell Biology major at UC Davis and UC San Diego. However, we’re worried her acceptances might get rescinded due to her grades this semester. UCSD requires her to maintain a 3.0 and UC Davis a 2.8 in the current spring semester.

She currently has a C in a Math pre-req course (5 semester units) for both schools, but has A’s in the rest of her classes (6 semester units total). These together are ok since they’re at least 3.0. Unfortunately, she got a C in a Chem pre-req course (5 semester units) in Winter. All of these combined equal a 2.75 gpa, which is lower than the threshold for both schools.

What are her chances of getting rescinded from both schools? And should we contact admissions for both ASAP to see if we can work something out?

Thanks in advance for your guidance - we are super stressed over here!

UC Forum Champion Note: it is a TOS violation to be posting for your sister. If she wants an opinion, she needs to make her own account and ask.

Closing discussion.