Willing to answer Questions about Baruch


<p>i have one question?
What is the difference between mth 2207 and mth 2601. I just took the compass test and they recommended me to take mth 2207 ( applied calculus and matrix algebra). is it better to take calculus 1 or applied calculus. i want to major in acct or finance? thank you</p>

<p>Hi, i got accepted into Baruch College as a transfer, i submitted my commitment fee wavier and the response form asap. I called them several times and they said i didn’t need to take the placement exam. However most of my friends who got accepted as transfer also took it. Never mind that, i received an email saying they processed my response form and commitment fee wavier, then today i got a email saying i need to pay the fee??!? I need to the email invitation for the orientation and which they still haven’t send it to me. Does Baruch usually take this long to process files for students!??</p>

I am willing to transfer to Baruch. What do you guys know about direct admission for spring 2013?</p>

<p>I am a freshman at the University of Miami now.
SAT CR 600 M 760 W 710
SAT II Math lvl 2 800 Physics 800
TOEFL 111</p>

<p>And could you tell me if I have to submit my high school transcripts? The problem is that I am not going back to my country next several months, so I won’t be able to request them from my high school. Can I get accepted without them?</p>

<p>And when will I know if I am accepted or not? I already submitted my SAT and TOEFL results and my fall 2012 transcripts will be sent after December 19th I guess.</p>

<p>Thank you in advance!</p>

<p>yeah you do need to submit your high school transcript due to your freshman status. you must complete at least 24 credits prior to applying</p>

<p>Hey there, I just received a holiday card from Baruch, my friend told me they sent that to everyone who applies, while my other friend says that they only send that out to people who they plan to admit, can someone please tell me which one is true.</p>

<p>hslife, sorry can’t answer that. I wouldn’t put too much stock into the receipt of these cards though.</p>

<p>hey guys when is the spring orientation?</p>

<p>Hi I am trying to transfer from Hunter to Baruch with a 3.0 gpa. Many have said I have a good chance to get in. What do you think?</p>

<p>Transfertobaruch, I think you have a good chance of acceptance!</p>

<p>ITZchow: Notify Baruch of the mistake. If necessary, fax them the letter showing that they offered you a fee waiver. Don’t let this fall between the cracks. College sometimes do drop the ball. It is your responsibility to follow through.</p>

<p>RRA741993: I have ne never experienced the problem that you have. You need to get this settled ASAP. Call Baruch. If a phone call won’t solve the problem, get an opinion letter from your doctor and fax it to the right people. Even if this seems solved by phone, always send a confirmation letter to the responsible person so that you have something in writing confirming what was said on the phone.</p>

<p>hi! I’m sending you this i saw your post.currently,I’m hs student in korea.and I wanna enroll to Baruch college and also,financial aid.so can you let me know about standard to get financial aid?and one more,I’m really really curious about job offer and internship.cuz I wanna work at wall street.and do you know how many students go Columbia MBA? Does columbia MBA is good enough to work at wall street with green card offered?Thank you!</p>

<p>Edric13, for what it’s worth, I was offered a well street job coming out of Baruch; However, I had a very strong GPA.A Columbia MBA is always considered quite good in this country. I don’t know, however, what the chances are for a non- US citizen to get jobs here in the US, especially wall street jobs.</p>

<p>As for Financial aid at Baruch, you need to call them. I would doubt there would be much aid for two reasons:
You are an international student who traditionally doesn’t get aid and you are not a NY state resident.</p>

<p>When are they announcing who they accept for spring 2013? I applied for direct admission. The classes as I can see start on January 28, so those who they accept need to know asap…</p>

<p>Hi, tax guy, i have some questions here to ask, hope you can help me.<br>
i currently have a full time job and want to switch to accounting field, i have 3.1 gpa from one of the SUNY school i graduated from, and 3.6 gpa from one of the commumity college in CUNY which i did not graduate from there. Does Baruch business school allow part-time student apply for their accounting program? Which GPA will Baruch look at? their mean GPA of acceptance was 3.32 last year. but for accounting programr they only ask for 2.25 GPA. so does that mean any student in Baruch has gpa 2.25 and above can get into the accounting program? or there is limited seat in the program so they will only pick students with high GPA? sorry if i ask too many questions but i am new to this field and Baruch, and i can’t get answers from reading their website, so i can only hope someone could explain it to me. Thanks so much and happy new year</p>

<p>Hey Tax Guy so I am already at Baruch and have a mediocre GPA my goal ultimately is to be a corporate lawyer and this winter I have been studying for the LSAT. I don’t know if you have any expertise about being admitted to law schools from Baruch but I will give you my stats and ask about tips to improve and whether I am already screwed being that Baruch isn’t Ivy. I plan to major in accounting. My GPA is 3.3 right now as a sophomore, I have one more semester left of my sophomore year. I got a C in Calc and C+ in Precalc which is terrible, next semester I am taking ACC 2101, ECO 1002, STA 2000, ENG 2800, and PSY 1001, I heard PSY 1001 is a easy course with Albright but I don’t want to relax on any courses especially with my mediocre GPA. I know the best advice to to grind and study hard but I am just worried that even if I improve my past performance will doom me, I know that there is no use looking back on the past, and I am asking about “if’s” here but can you please let me know what your thoughts are and I apologize for being vague. Also if I can bump my GPA to at least a 3.7 do I have a good shot at any internships? I will forward my resume as well if necessary. Sorry to bother you.</p>

<p>Hi taxguy, I’m transferring to Baruch from an ivy this spring and considering a double major in both finance and mathematics. If I am thinking about trading and perhaps an MFE program down the line, do you think it is important that I major in mathematics as opposed to taking only multi calc, linear algebra and probability? Would you recommend pursuing a finance major/math minor over a math major concentration in finance/ minor in finance? I’m thinking it is important that I get the business degree and I’m also wondering how respectable the math program is at Baruch how hard it is to get the best grades in the upper level math courses.</p>

<p>Accountinglife, I think you have a great chance of being admitted as a transfer. When I was there, they didn’t allow part time work for undergrad studies. However, that was many years ago. You need to call the school and ask them.</p>

<p>Hardwork242, you are asking me two questions. Regarding internships, if your accounting GPA is good, you can get an internship. Also, if you have good interviewing skills, you can get an internship yourself. As for law school, your total GPA is mathematically computed with your LSAT. It doesn’t matter that you did much better in the last few years of school. However, the LSAT is MUCH more important than the GPA. A 4.0 GPA with mediocre LSAT won’t get you admitted to most schools, while if you have a mediocre GPA and a fabulous LSAT, you can get into some top law schools.</p>

<p>NewYork23,The math program at Baruch to my knowledge is actually pretty decent. Their statistics and quantitative modeling is especially good. Honestly, take what you like best. I am not sure if majoring in math and minoring is finance is better than the reverse. You would have to ask the career services department regarding which major is most desired by employers and wall street firms.</p>

<p>hi, tax guy, Thanks for your answer.
i read though the business school website, they did not mention the accounting program requried full time study or part time. Is that mean they will allow part time student get into the program? i tried to call them couple times but no one pick up the phone…
Will they look at my SUNY GPA or my CUNY community college GPA when i apply for admission?

<p>Accountinglife, I tested the phone status for admission, and I had no problem getting through. You need to call at a different time maybe.</p>

<p>They want to see all transcripts.</p>

<p>Thanks for your response taxguy- I’m going go with an Accounting major and a Mathematics minor. Your postings on this site have been especially helpful and are a large part of the reason why I’ll be attending Baruch as opposed to a SUNY… I had never even heard of Baruch until I came across it on this site trying to get information on how the business programs at the four major SUNYs compared to one another</p>

<p>Personally, I like Baruch for accounting more than that of most of the SUNYs. However, since you are in NY City, it can be very daunting going to school in NYC for a kid. Manhattan is your campus, which has its pros and cons. At least at most SUNYs such as Birmingham, you get a campus, and it is easier to meet people. You really need to visit each school and check out the culture of the school. I loved going to school in NYC. I also loved the connections garnered from being at Baruch. However, it isn’t for everyone. You need to check it out for yourselves. What was good for me may not be good for your child.</p>