<p>Has anyone else applied for Winter/Spring 2010 at UCSC? Does anyone know when we'll be notified of admissions decisions? </p>
<p>In the application, when you chose to apply to UCSC, did you have to rank the colleges (like with UCSD) you want to be affiliated with? If so, I may have left it blank, thinking I'd come back to it after researching the colleges, but never did, and didn't realize it until after I had submitted the application. Anyone remember if this was the case with UCSC? Looks like I found these forums a day too late, as I submitted my application yesterday...</p>
<p>Also, does anyone want to take a look at my personal statements and let me know whether or not they're strong? I'll do the same for you, if you'd like. I just have to do something to get rid of this anxious feeling, haha. I graduated high school in 2001, failed out of community college right after, went to music school (courses which will almost certainly not transfer), did alright, but there were still a decent amount of F's, because I was switching programs and left the country during finals. Since coming back to community college in 2007, however, I have about a 3.66 GPA (not counting stuff from right after high school - I had a 1.83 GPA when I left college the first time on academic probation - I retook many of the F classes at the CC I'm in now and pretty much aced them all). My second personal statement was about how I've grown into someone who holds education as a paramount virtue, and comparing/contrasting my college failures from years ago to the awesome student I am now, but that's about ALL the explaining I did when it came to my horrible grades from the past. Anyway, UCSC is my first choice school, by far. I'll be pretty damned sad if I don't get in.</p>
<p>Oh, also: In my first personal statement, I stated (as a politics major) that I did campaigning and fundraising many times through the years, but I didn’t specify for who (with the exception of my first experience campaigning) due to space restrictions. And there was no “volunteering” section, only community service. Did I screw myself somehow? Jeez. Too much transfer anxiety. I heard they’ll deny you admission if your app info is incomplete/inaccurate.</p>
<p>[edit] Uh oh…was I supposed to put my campaigning experience under “extracurricular activities”? I didn’t, am I screwed…? There’s nothing there… :-/</p>
<p>You did not screw yourself. Your personal statement sounds intelligent and concise, not incomplete. Also, for transfer students there is no college ranking. You didn’t miss anything.</p>
<p>If anyone has an idea when we’ll be notified of admission decisions I’d like to know as well. :)</p>
<p>Looking at their website my best guess is October 1-31. Here’s an example from last year: [UCSC</a> Admissions - Information for Upper-Division Transfer Applicants Not Offered Admission - Winter 2009](<a href=“http://admissions.ucsc.edu/apply/09_transferNotAdmittedUD.cfm]UCSC”>http://admissions.ucsc.edu/apply/09_transferNotAdmittedUD.cfm)</p>
<p>Thanks for replying. I’ve been feeling a little more confident that past few days, compared to when I first posted this. I realized that, for example, when I write a long paper for an English course or something, I always read it over and think “eh, it’s alright, I might have been able to do better”, and then when I get the paper back, it’s pretty much A+++, with a rave write-up at the end by the instructor. I’m hoping this is the same deal. Maybe it’s just me trying to hold myself to really high standards, which isn’t necessarily in and of itself a bad thing I guess. </p>
<p>Anyway, thanks again. I wanted to let you know I called UCSC admissions on Monday to ask when I can expect a decision. They said it’d be about 2.5 months, so around early-mid October, if she was correct. Good guess! :)</p>
<p>Do you happen to know how many transfer students applied for Winter 2010? I’m curious if more ppl applied b/c other colleges are closed, but I don’t have the balls to call the admissions office lol.</p>
<p>That’s a great question, and I wish I had the answer for it. :(</p>
<p>That was a really helpful link you posted. I noticed that if you change the “09” in the URL to “10”, it shows the statistics for this coming fall quarter. Not sure how helpful that is, but it’s there if you want it. </p>
<p>I’m assuming you’re a transfer student, too? Is UCSC your first choice? Hopefully I’ll see you there, haha! :)</p>
<p>I applied as a transfer student, too. UCSC is my first choice.</p>
<p>UCSC is my first & only choice, if I don’t get in I won’t start my junior year until fall :-o</p>
<p>Maybe that was dumb of me but the $60 application fee is gay and I wouldn’t want to go anywhere else lol. Actually that’s not true I originally wanted to go to San Jose State so I could stay local but they’re not accepting spring admissions
in fact practically every school is closed for winter/spring hence my curiosity as to the number of applicants for UCSC.</p>
<p>I guess I’m just scared b/c I have two Fs on my record gahhhhh at least they’re not transferable?? haha</p>
<p>I have a couple Fs also (from 2001-2004, CC and a music trade school), but I think I used them to my advantage in my essay, which I explained in my original post. Santa Cruz is pretty much my only choice too. I got the application fee waiver, so I decided to apply to UCSD also, just for the hell of it. I don’t really intend on going there. If I don’t get in, I might be waiting until next fall, also (if they cancel spring 2010 applications, which the rumor seems to be that they might). How long ago were your Fs from?</p>
<p>My Fs were from Fall 2007, but I’ve had 17 As since then so hopefully it doesn’t matter lol! I couldn’t imagine them turning me away, it’d really screw with me. I have 65 transferable units so another semester of CC would make me go over. Not to mention I’ll already have my A.A. I need to get out of here!!!</p>