Wisconsin Aid for OOS

<p>I'm applying to Wisconsin-Madison and I'm wondering how much aid I can get as an OOS. I heard they don't have many scholarship opportunities for OOS students, but I need lots of aid...financial aid and/or scholarships.</p>

<p>You were told correctly unless you are an URM group member. Then there is a fair amount.</p>

<p>Chesterbelly, I see the Iowa and Madison connections on the school’s threads hahah.
I posted on the other one too, but, I was accepted into both and Madison didnt give me scholarship while Iowa gave me an Academic scholarship over the four years. Madison does give out grants and initiatives this year to lower the costs, and after that Iowa was only a couple grand cheaper. If money is very tight, it may be worth thought. If you it isnt so much a factor, choose the best fit.</p>

<p>Well, I’m definitely from a very low-income family…we are talking about 25,000 a year…However my parents have agreed to help me out at whatever college I truly believe would be the best fit for me. Right now, Wisconsin is definitely my top pic. As long As I don’t find myself paying 35,000 every year for four years…I definitely will qualify for some amount of aid I hope.
Thanks, btw Fball4!
How much money would you UW gives out in grants and initiatives to oos?</p>

<p>Hey I come from the same type of household income. I got accepted into the BANNER program. It basically waives out of state tuition and they hook you up with plenty of grant money. And a small loan plus work study. They basically cover your whole cost of attendance.</p>

<p>I’m a minority but I don’t think that matters for the BANNER program. They just look at your EFC.</p>

<p>so is the BANNER program something you apply to separately or while applying to college, say UW for me? I’ve never heard of it…</p>

<p>I also got into the BANNER program. No, you do not need to apply for it separately. You are automatically considered for it when you apply for financial aid. I think you have a good chance to get accepted just by looking at the annual income. Good luck!</p>

<p>Yep like BlessedGuy said the financial aid office automatically considers you for it. It’s pretty nice, never taught UW would be so generous.</p>


<p>I actually have a friend from my same high school from a low-income household that received BANNER. she is paying in state. And I think the grants and initiatives are around 6k a year?</p>

<p>Thanks for all the info about banner. Hopefully this means I will be able to attend uw :)</p>