**Wisconsin Madison Class of 2020 RD applicant Thread**

I don’t think there is one yet?

When anyone is admitted (or denied), comment your GPA, ACT, where you’re from, and any other things you might want to add. Fingers crossed right now

There is no such thing as RD for UW-Madison.

@Madison85 By RD I meant the First Fall 2016 Notification

Totally inaccurate to consider that with a rolling admissions school. Regular decision is ONLY applicable to schools who do that and early decision. The beauty of UW’s type of admissions is that applicants do not need to wait for a spring date, many will have an answer sooner.

Some who will apply in November will hear much sooner than those who applied in September. Some will wait until January to apply and hear before others- especially when the UW admissions response is “postponed”. Students who are clear admits/rejects regardless of other applicants credentials will hear soonest.

It is much too soon to wonder what stats mean a student in is or not. Many excellent students do not rush to get their applications in, especially if they are busy and are applying to other schools.

T o find out answers you need to wait until the February application deadline. The early birds may not be representative of the majority of the accepted students’ profiles. Also- over the years I have noted most UW applicants and students do not post on this site.

@wis75 Thanks for your words of wisdom. Does it mean then that students who are clear admits will be hearing around December?

chance me brothers and sisters and all others remaining-
SAT 1920 760 in m
800 m2 and 730 p
93% aggregate gpa…
2nd 3rd and 5th class ranks…


@Indijat numerous responses on the UW thread discuss how difficult it is to accurately chance someone. The best one can do (in my opinion) is to look at what UW considers really important which is un-weighted gpa, class rank, and course rigor (i.e., did you take AP/Honors/etc courses and get mostly A’s) and what UW considers important which is test scores (ACT/SAT/etc) and recommendations. One can also consider the distribution of GPA and test scores of an entire freshman class. This does not consider many other factors that UW admissions might consider, but it does include 2 of the more important factors AND is for the whole population not just a small subset (i.e., people who are posting here which are << 1% of all applicants)

for the entering class of 2014, 1% had GPA between 2.5 and 2.99, 1% had GPA between 3.0 and 3.24, 4% had GPA between 3.25 and 3.49, 18% had GPA between 3.5 and 3.74, and the remaining 76% had GPA between 3.75 and 4.0 with an average GPA of 3.83. These numbers are from collegedata.com, but very similar numbers are posted at other websites such as the Princeton Review

for the entering class of 2014, the middle 50% for ACT was 26-31 with an average of 29. One can manipulate the distribution provided to get the following information: 5% scored between 18 and 23, 20% scored 24 or 25, 37% scored between 26 and 29, 14% scored 30 or 31 and 25% scored between 31 and 36. The numbers add up to 101% which I assume is due to rounding

Oh my stars, I was seeing the exact same thing in the exact same site when reading your post!!! $-)

“and 25% scored between 31 and 36” should actually be “and 25% scored between 32 and 36”. Rounding means the percentages in the top 2 brackets could be off a little, but they should sum to 39%. The same is true of the next 2 lower brackets, which should sum to 57%

Note that these stats neither guarantee acceptance nor rejection, but can be used to plan accordingly (i.e., back-up schools, etc)

forgot to mention UW also considers residency as important (i.e., are you in-state or out-of-state)