<p>Should candidates get their wisdom teeth out before they attend? Our local dentist said if they show up with them they get yanked out immediately.</p>
<p>I definitely still have my wisdom teeth 2.5 years in…don’t get them removed. They’ll remove them here after 4 dig year.</p>
<p>if they are compacted or attached (or whatever those words are) meaning it’s gonna be bad and painful, i suggest getting them out before. Two kids in my flight had to get them removed during Basic…it wasn’t fun!</p>
<p>Just don’t get them out freshmen year haha</p>
<p>OK the upside of getting them removed before is you will not loose any time at the Academy (studying or doing summer training). The Academy will evaluate you and if you do not need them removed (like Hornet) you will keep them as long as they do not cause trouble. If you do need them removed at the Academy it may not happen as fast as you may like. All the Oral Surgeons were gone when Potter’s went bad. She lost a week of school time and it cost her in GPA. When they finally could schedule it things went well.</p>
<p>We could have had it done before she entered the Academy but just didn’t get around to it. So if you can and you think you’ll need it, get it done.</p>
<p>I haven’t gotten mine removed yet.If you really want to then go ahead- just make sure you have enough time to recover before getting to basic training.</p>
<p>Keep this in mind: if there are any complications by doing it beforehand, it could very well be medically disqualifying. If there are complications here, the AF will take the time and money to fix the problem and ensure you can graduate. I still HIGHLY suggest waiting unless there are problems now or predicted to happen within 6 months of being at the academy.</p>
<p>Recovery time really isn’t as bad as most people say. Mine were beginning to impact the molars in front of it (haha, sorry, my sister’s the dentist of the family I’m not up on my dentistry talk) and I had all four removed. It wasn’t very painful and I was up and eating the next day and had no complications.</p>
<p>Viper, they removed them DURING basic? Ugh, that’d be bad.</p>
<p>In the past it’d probably be a good idea to wait, but its gotten much better recently. So, if you need them out, go ahead. If you don’t, well, don’t risk complications and why pay?</p>
<p>…haha, and I definitely suggest, if you’re ever going to see this preformed, to have it done first. Haha, I’m VERY VERY glad they’d already taken mine out when I saw it…</p>
<p>i had mine removed during freshman year. recovery went well and fast. i went to a class the next day that i wanted to, but also got to have my door closed for a couple days (roommates enjoyed that roo, right GroogWaugh? lol)</p>
<p>so i would just wait unless its an emergency and then let them decide.</p>
<p>had mine out may 23, day after my hs graduation… recovered fine over the weekend and was perfectly fine for basic. just depends on your case though</p>
<p>i just got mine out this last friday! November 28th. IT HURTS so i am definitely glad i got them done before the academy. It is so distracting that, while the AF pays for it when your at the Academy, you get knocked out on Loritab and other pain killers for like five days. Just my two cents. hopefully these holes will stop hurtin one of these days :P</p>